4 or 5 DAILY dog strolls that is, and while not a super walkable area, I can walk to a several stores and a few restaurants. Even McDonald’s (gross). My overall point is I quit bothering to carry even the slim wallet that attaches to the magnetic case. I just rarely seemed to need it.
very fair, i have tried those magnetic wallets on the phone back. i guess for me, i just like carrying a wallet. something i picked up from my father and his father haha
Oh for sure. I still get a quick panic when I pat my pocket and no wallet. I’m old, so back in my day I carried wallet, keys, work badge, change for parking or newspaper, chapstick, gum, small pocketknife or multitool. I feel like I’m leaving home with no pants since I don’t carry any of that now.
Well to be fair I work from home and can go a week without leaving my house other than 4 or 5 dog walks, but I have my insurance card in an app, Apple Pay to debit card, photo of my ID. If I’m going to stores I know have touchless pay I just take my chances of needing actual ID. Or grab the wallet.