It would take a Constitutional
Amendment. 3/4 of the states must ratify. It was presented to the state legislatures in 1972, with a 7 yr deadline for completion. It failed.
Updated info: it’s been ratified and it’s ready for the Constitution. Trump stopped it. Biden can have it published. Read up on it here and help, if interested:
🥺😩 Wow. Misinformation abounds, these days. And you should know, as a legal expert. Thanks for that. As a woman, I will just give up on equal rights. No biggie; it’s been my whole life experience. 🤪 But I do appreciate your good information!
Don’t give up! Just be critical of what you read & hear. It’s been my fight my entire life. And I will go down fighting if I have to. But there’s still much work to do.
I am critical. And halfway educated 🤪 and this organization and women’s march org were touting getting the ERA finalized! There was a Women’s March Instagram live with all this “push to get Biden to move” info, etc. Hard to know what’s true.
Amendment. 3/4 of the states must ratify. It was presented to the state legislatures in 1972, with a 7 yr deadline for completion. It failed.