What a joke. Old media using the Government's to fight competition. Murdoch using his muscle nothing to do with anything else. It's all fooked. How about laws relating to facts and honesty in news.
You're right. A good portion of the Indies got a bit of money out of the platforms. Anecdotally, less than the majors. I think the difference you see in rhetoric is partly because smaller titles are used to getting screwed, and the larger ones are used to doing the screwing.
There was some formula, I think, for how much the pub's material appeared on Meta, which then translated into $$$ to that pub. I have heard anecdotal evidence that some small online publishers are likely to fold soon without this or some other form of support.
I'm just realising now how analogous this is to the way indie and major label artist deal with streaming platforms. The default conditions are terrible, but majors have the cultural and legal heft to get a better deal.
More or less true. Majors negotiated contracts with the platforms, smaller orgs without expensive lawyers fell back on the default conditions in the code for the most part. A few are in trouble. Most expected the code to go belly up, and never baked "meta money" into their business plans.