Particularly when you look at what’s happening in the US - it’s surreal that any sane person can think this is good for us.
The Federal Election can not come fast enough .
Vote the Labor/LNP Coalition out, your freedom depends on it .
From Vietnam and The South Pacific, to Europe and now, yet again, The Middle East.
The very last thing we need is them using us in another proxy war.
This time with our greatest trading partner.
Are we that stupid?
WTF! Is there any thinking happening?? If so, what the hell is it?? So disappointing…
between bending over for #Zionist Lobby groups and grovelling to #FCK47 - cannot wait till election time …
i’m done with the duopoly
Indies & Greens this way
Many are cults led by unscrupulous people using members for their own political gain and their own personal wealth accumulation. Scott Morrisons Pentecostal groups a warning.