« is where ─╌┈ all
❪ 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 ❫ is truly lost. ”
Peeling away at the color of the area. Manifested from nothing more than a blackened hearts will. The coloration metamorphosed into a soulless-gray、followed by a dismal feeling comparable to thalassophobia. Jin-Woo’s umbra »
« is where ─╌┈ all
❪ 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 ❫ is truly lost. ”
Peeling away at the color of the area. Manifested from nothing more than a blackened hearts will. The coloration metamorphosed into a soulless-gray、followed by a dismal feeling comparable to thalassophobia. Jin-Woo’s umbra »
« spilled out from beneath the terra as if the darkness of the very ocean they spoke of、honored him. Vomiting unto the surface、bathing their entire surroundings stygian. A pivotal turn began supporting the path of Sung’s steady stride. »
« The Monarch’s steps were straightforward and true towards the threat. Bearing no sway、no hesitance from confrontation.
“ Just try and swim in this bottomless pit. “