Stranger danger sexual assault does happen, but most perpetrators are already in the child's circle of trust - parents or other caretakers, even other children or teenagers. The narrative that strangers are out to get your kids deflects from the fact that this is largely a familial problem.
Bingo. Predators look for single egg donors with kids. Kids are exposed to a never ending revolving door of random strangers and that's how kids are raped and drugged and killed and then I see them in the hospital or hunt for them and their bodies. Especially kids of junkies and drunks
I hate to be a "they all look alike" kind of gal, but this nutjob looks just like the guy with all the bombs in Virginia and they both look like J.D. Vance whom, I assume, is off couch shopping for his new office.
May we find a way to prevent these crimes from happening in the first place to the young without violating parental rights in the process. Sickening human behavior.
Don't give them another chance, no matter how it gets processed, but damn that is the no mercy approach. I would be down if I was certain there would be no punishments given that weren't deserved.
Not a transgender!
The punishment rarely fits their crimes.