a MHJ ta desesperada pq o contrato dela vai se encerrar, ela tá atirando pra todos os lados e atingindo quem puder no processo, prestem atenção: NÃO DEEM O QUE ELA E A KMIDIA QUER, NÃO ABRAM E NÃO ENGAJEM ARTIGOS, O BTS É NOSSA UNICA PRIORIDADE E OS UNICOS QUE IREMOS DEFENDER, CONFIEM APENAS NO BTS.
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Kmedia/pann acc are putting out articles and posts making it seem like HYBE is turning on BTS and JK
I know that MHJ btch is behind all this they want to turn this whole situation to HYBE vs BTS conflict to get global Armys on their [MHJ] side if you see any article or post do not trust !
Free BTS
I know that MHJ btch is behind all this they want to turn this whole situation to HYBE vs BTS conflict to get global Armys on their [MHJ] side if you see any article or post do not trust !
Free BTS