The attached story isn’t the presidential race. People are in general VERY uninvolved in anything other than the general presidential election though. One thing that has been occurring due to this are candidates aren’t vetted, so a lot of right wingers in disguise are getting elected.
If I would've gotten a nickel for every time someone told me that an alternative "won't do anything" then I would've already surpassed Musk by universes
Do people tell you that an alternative “won’t do anything,” or that an alternative won’t win? These are very different things. I am not a Democrat. I despise the party system and up until this year I’ve voted Green in every local election (with occasional exceptions for certain candidates).
Your options are to vote for harm reduction, vote for harm, abstain from voting which results in harm, or take up arms. If I were a younger man, I may well embrace the last option; it may well be what’s necessary. I am no longer a younger man though, so I do what I can.
"harm reduction" doesn't exist - it's a liberal myth that already was proven wrong in the weimarer republic, with Hindenburg, who won over hitler, literally appointing Hitler
Yeah it's hard to say you're voting for harm reduction when the Dems are enabling genocide and passing Project 2025 legislation lol plus, like, it only reduces American harm. Even Jimmy Carter committed crimes against humanity abroad
it's like.. kinda the base requirement to get the job