Yea but this list is the destination, your suppose to learn why through the project. Making mistakes and learning the relationship between how and why, is why professionals are cheaper.
When I was a child, a tap in the bathroom starting leaking. My Father decided to replace the washer. Whilst replacing the washer he broke the tap. In fixing that, a pipe. In fixing that, the bath.
He then had to pay a plumber to replace the bath, the pipe, the tap... and the washer.
My father decided to rig up a light in the shed, fed from the switch in the garage. He finished, switched the electrics on and both shed and garage were brightly lit. Perfect!
Switched the other way, garage light still on full bore, shed light glowed gently.
13. If blockchain is involved in any capacity...don't do it
14. Drywall can't support that weight
He then had to pay a plumber to replace the bath, the pipe, the tap... and the washer.
Switched the other way, garage light still on full bore, shed light glowed gently.
Not sure he ever tried plumbing. 😅