ZA looks cool
Not announcing more mainline games is a good thing
Not announcing more mainline games is a good thing
I do, however, hope we see the GB/GBA games return someday (fingers crossed for NSO)
Modern Pokémon is a mess but I doubt they will let Scarlet/Violet happen again.
It's a longshot, but it's the dream for me. Stadium 1 and 2 on NSO feel incomplete without the Gameboy games.
A year will go fast (hopefully, considering we’re basically in March already somehow)
Everything looks so samey and uninteresting to me so far. Feel like the town setting was a bad choice.
I was seeing someone predicting a Gen 10 game, RELEASE of ZA out of the blue, and two new Legends Games announcements for later this year. Like huh???
Because that would make me sad.
My assumption is they're saving it for the 30th anniversary.
I'm glad they didn't announce a new generation, but this really could have been an email.
Announcing Gen 10 *now* would kill Z-A's hype stone dead. Let it have the spotlight, we'll enjoy what's next later.
(Scarlet and Violet’s were so sloooow)
Still, I’m simultaneously surprised at the lack of any other new announcements tho. Just one new battle-style game, which to be fair at least looks rad.