To be clear: I love the Guardian & Observer. I have devoted 20 years of my life to it. I believe it’s one of the most important platforms for liberal journalism in the world. And I’m one of 700+ journalists who believe this is profoundly wrong
Reposted from
Carole Cadwalladr
700+ journalists at Britain’s only liberal newspaper(s) believe that something has gone so profoundly wrong in their own organisation that 93% of them have voted to go on strike
The smearing of Corbyn by right wing rags was to be expected (and largely ignored by Labour voters).
It was when the Guardian and BBC got enthusiastically involved in the scam that the Labour party got taken over by the pro-genocide cabal.
Dark times for human rights and social justice.
Aditya Chakrabortty comes to mind.
Even Owen Jones fell for it
There are plenty of worse papers out there, for sure, but many of us are unlikely to view it in the same way ever again.
The Guardian is relatively happy to host lively debate on some issues, but ultimately it is part of the corporate machine - Corbyn was too much threat of a threat to the establishment status quo.