"He didn't mention anything about that, but I would like to know why you're dragging my kid into your nonsense.
Shesh, I knew you were lazy, but this is really something else, Shikamaru.."
Shesh, I knew you were lazy, but this is really something else, Shikamaru.."
Reposted from
Blink blinkβ
Shikamaru being confused at what had Ino so angry towards him. He was in for a scolding wasn't he. . .?
"Iβ am and did yes. . Did he also mention that he is going to have an honorable spot reserved for him in said wedding?"
Shikamaru being confused at what had Ino so angry towards him. He was in for a scolding wasn't he. . .?
"Iβ am and did yes. . Did he also mention that he is going to have an honorable spot reserved for him in said wedding?"