Takeaways from when I watched - available on YT
'we are not at war, but we are not at peace either'
'we need to develop a wartime mindset'...in order to increase funding and defense equipment etc
'it's not just Ukraine and Russia...it is global.."
discounts the term 'hybrid war'...."it is sabotage"
True but I don't think he fucks with nato that much. He can't afford it. But....there has been many dutch at the top there. So could all be funky stuff. He fucked with Netherlands. His party shows its colours now. But we will have to wait and see. Or what ? Protest ? We better get wilders out first
I don't believe that, because easy2create panick.Harder2 maintain calm. Ppl need2realise things are very tense. Nobody knows exactly what's going on.I know there's conspiries.Where there r pple there r conspiracies. I am almost sure of some stuff. But I know I don't know.I try2 make educated guesses
I believe the apocalyptic republicans in the us government and some middle east groups or governments pushing (or try) for biblical end times. (The israel hate, the big empire and it's potential for rain and fire from the skies ) and sure we got some here somewhere. But no, not all of Nato.
For starters NATO mouthpieces, then every NATO state mouthpieces. They keep insinuating in no subtle terms that we need a war economy (and that's the euphemism form). But if you want to believe otherwise you're free to be led where you want.
I'm getting tired of everything that exists in the west that attempts unity, is a conspiracy by default. Everything. How r they so sure. Are they in cahoots with the enemy ? You know what it's Taylor swift. She is the one who wants to go to war did u hear ?
Because.. there is war and Trump was right on one thing. We didn't spend enough in defense. We need to have stronger military. You say we don't? Why? Whatever rutte is doing.It's likely mostly to appease Trump. Everybody tries to calm and soothe the usa. Because usa unfortunate is the big boss/bully
Who are these mouthpieces? You mean our elected representatives? Well, they are representing theirs nation desires after all. And who, please be exact, spoke about war economy? Oh you mean https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_231348.htm with their desperate pleas for more than bare minimum? Well,have you seen Russia?
He does forget that he has to speak on behalf of NATO and not as a puppet for this cabinet in the Netherlands. Don't take even more money away from Social Security, Education and healthcare. Millionaires and large companies have to pay taxes just like everyone else. Tackle fraudsters!
The most important point to underline (and highlight): From Brussels, it takes one day to drive to Ukraine. That’s how close russian bombs are falling and dprk troops are fighting. Europe must realize the urgency of the danger at their doorstep and take affirmative action Слава Україні!
as if they can afford it under the economy situation there. oh no, Russian is generating a higher GDP with war demands😌 good thinking, make sure to use them though, as store of value doesn't create real consumption
'we are not at war, but we are not at peace either'
'we need to develop a wartime mindset'...in order to increase funding and defense equipment etc
'it's not just Ukraine and Russia...it is global.."
discounts the term 'hybrid war'...."it is sabotage"
Ask any not rich (who dont give a shit) Dutch person how trustworthy he is.
Dont believe a WORD he says.