Interesting. They want it outlawed in the US too since they cant control it..that's isn't freedom, it's controlled media, a dangerous step toward the authoritarian regimes around the world.
The owner is from Taiwan anyway, right? Current owner anyway...he had hearings at the US senate. Informative to watch. This hate toward china while praising the leaders and signing business deals should make everyone stop and think.
I recommend humans using their critical thinking skills when consuming information but sadly, they took that out of public schools in the US. Blind obedience makes for fascism. I'm not entirely convinced China is the devil like much of the world believes. You have to question these things.
I have a problem with China's idea of democracy and international rules. You see it clearly in relation to Hong Kong, Muslim minorities, Tibet and Taiwan and the South China Sea. But you can't fault their amazing industrial rise
The US has been trying to outlaw it for years. The racist senator foghorn leghorn questioned the owner about where he had passports to. He's Taiwanese and the dumb senator couldn't wrap his head around that. Accused him of being CCP. Idiocracy begins in America. Don't make it worldwide.
Then what would you recommend?