O ffs, stay there u c****, take the whole nazi crew with you pls.Nazism and right wing will fail. It will seem to thrive for a max of 4 years I believe. Wanna bet? North Europeans will eventually work together and back to pre-EU times. Except our generation will be poor.Fine by me.Pizzafasicm=a joke
Let's bomb the inauguration spot. Wish we could. Or is Musk the ticking time bomb. Musk is not that dumb to not be aware of the fallout he's getting. *grabs popcorn*
What a gathering that will be ! It would be nice if we could ignore them and they just all disappeared but ... hard times ahead I suspect, except for the fawning rich and powerful.
How is she a traitor? She's exactly like Dumb Donald and always has been. Italy's cabinet is just as embarrassing as the USA's current picks. All she is is an arse kisser rather than traitor.
And then pay her not to say anything about it.