I’ll choose failure over success and being poor over being rich every day of the week.
Because being rich and successful in this world means hurting people. It also breeds arrogance, corruption, greed and a lack of responsibility and accountability.
Because being rich and successful in this world means hurting people. It also breeds arrogance, corruption, greed and a lack of responsibility and accountability.
When people say eat the rich, they aren’t talking about millionaires.
Keep up the fight
We need less than we think. Fear of never having enough makes people into “every man for himself” hoarders.
Behind every great fortune, throughout world history, lies enormous crimes against humanity. Obscene wealth begets obscene behavior.
I also see we do have the power to stop and moderate this.
Stop your Consumerism. This society believes in buying unnecessary "stuff," but why? For many, consumerism is a way to cope with life. Trying to fill in something that is missing or incomplete inside.
If any of the 78 million mouth breathers who voted for President Musk have found their lives & lives of family up-ended...