All countries need to completely freeze Amerikkka out.
3 years in its really not hard to use the internet and understand that its not Russia coming for NATO. Its USSA using NATO to go after Russia.
How many Vietnams, Libyas, Iraqs, Afghanistans and Ukraines do you need to figure it out?
3 years in its really not hard to use the internet and understand that its not Russia coming for NATO. Its USSA using NATO to go after Russia.
How many Vietnams, Libyas, Iraqs, Afghanistans and Ukraines do you need to figure it out?
Bin Laden wrote a very clear explanation for his reason to attack the US, and the MSM buried it.
America is happily destroying Germany right now and making a mint as it sells Germany over-priced gas.
America is a gargantuan bully. Always has been.
Nordstream was destroyed under Biden.
Obama bombed more countries that Bush II. Do you ever read anything or just watch TV news for you info????
Putin never needed this war at any point. He never need the fighting in Chechnya or Georgia either, thus they ended so long ago.
Meanwhile, in the last 20 years the US has invaded or bombed Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, and Pakistan and probably more I am unaware of...not even neighbors!
Putin is a bad of turds. But its nothing do to with shutting of Russia from the world, esp. when the U.S. is worse in the grand scheme of things...literally supporting a GD genocide in Gaza!
1. Epstein (Had info on trump sleeping with children.)
2. Ivanka (Falling down a flight of stairs? Had info on trump being recruited in 1984 by Russia.)
Nobody is saying that Putin or Russia are saints.
But the U.S. is FAR more demonic on a global scale.