These excerpts are from Bonhoeffer's "Devotions on Luke 4:5-6" that he wrote for his work as a pastor at Berlin Technical College for the first Sunday in Lent 11 February 1932.
The full text can be found in The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Vol. 11: Ecumenical, Academic, & Pastoral Work:31-32 p.418-19
The entire piece is very good! I should also note that I am quoting frome the English editions of the DBW. I believe the German language edition page numbers are in the index of the devotional pictured in the replies.
I love this. I’ve been preaching from Luke for months now. Ending w/ Ch. 24 tomorrow. I think there is something right in Bonhoeffer beginning the Passion with Jesus’ preaching in Ch. 4. But I think Luke would push it to the Magnificat in Ch. 1 & starkly in the Temple with Simeon’s words in 2:25–35.
The full text can be found in The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Vol. 11: Ecumenical, Academic, & Pastoral Work:31-32 p.418-19