Not worshiping a certain deity isn’t really bad behavior though. And societies can have laws against communally harmful bad behavior without resorting to terminology such as “sin”.
I understand the sentiment, but I feel I should mention there are 65 countries where being gay 𝘪𝘴 a crime & I believe we in the LGBTQIA+ community should make sure the cishet community don't fall into the trap of thinking that the idea of our community being outlawed is outlandish or even improbable
I think you might have misread; I said ‘outlandish’ (or possibly I’ve misread your reply).
They definitely should see it as ‘outrageous’ meaning ‘shocking’; although not ‘outrageous’ meaning ‘far-fetched’. People need to realise that it’s a distinct possibility that everyone has to be on guard for.
Funny, I actually know gays that believe it is a sin and a perversion of science. Dave, lost his life after seroconversion in 1998, went to his grave "knowing" he was being punished for it. He NEVER left God and also believed he would be redeemed at the gates. I prayed for that to happen for him.
"Funny"? They believed that horseshit because delusional religious bigots TOLD them to believe it. Doesn't make it any more than cruel fantasy 'rules' peddled by zealots.
"Some guy I knew said he believed he was a sinner".
So what? They were LIED TO.
Meaningless. Useless. (you know, like prayer)
King James I of England (1566-1625) had close relationships with male courtiers throughout his life. Historians have also pointed out King James's emotional distance from his wife, his affection for other men, and contemporary criticism of his public displays of affection.
"Criminal" only captures stuff that has been made illegal.
I argue that sin is by far the most comprehensive of the two and has value precisely because it includes all sorts of stuff that society doesn't like.
Good and bad are subjective.
They definitely should see it as ‘outrageous’ meaning ‘shocking’; although not ‘outrageous’ meaning ‘far-fetched’. People need to realise that it’s a distinct possibility that everyone has to be on guard for.
"Some guy I knew said he believed he was a sinner".
So what? They were LIED TO.
Meaningless. Useless. (you know, like prayer)
However, it’s clear if Jesus arose again, they’d get at him for being an immigrant and a radical.
This is not the God or the religion I know - he died for EVERYONE. we are ALL his children.