You'd think this kind of thing would wake up current soldiers as to what their future will be after they serve 🤔. Why put your life on the line if you're gonna be treated like trash?
I hope that when the F@scist Turd calls on the military to fight against their fellow countrymen or neighbours, 🍁 (because, let's be honest, that's where this boxcar train is headed...) they remember this proof of his distain for those who offered their lives.
If we make it to November 2026. The GOP IS GONNA PAY BIG TIME. That is if there is still an election. I don't know if we have a year and a half of freedom left. This sure as hell isn't freedom here now. Makes me sick the way Trump has treated Ukraine, Our allies, Our justice system, Bowing to Putin.
Gee, what a surprise. This is the party worshipping a Tangerine Felon who says our military is made up of suckers and losers. They could care less about our service members who have been fired.
This is senseless , shameful and disgusting behavior from the GOP.