im an extremely social dragon. so much so that when i spun out my kin feelings into actually defining my species in writing, i explicitly went for "rather friendly, civilization-y dragons" who have always done things things like build whole villages into cliffs and participate in wider society
Due to how I felt in my home town I described myself as a highly social species but also always thought of myself as the only one of my kind I’m aware of. Sorta to explain why I don’t exactly know what any other Western Electric Wyverns would look like other than me
there are tf story archives like Shifti but they tend to have very specific tropes, settings and species. Aside from that, the only ones I know of online are various isekai/portal fantasy stories
I have it somewhere but not in a web browsable format, however Cohost put the whole site on the internet archive and far as I can tell my stories are pretty intact on there. Should redirect you if you try and go to my page or the relevant tags
It hurts the brain to be a lonely social creature
Now in Oregon i actually have connections. I even know another electric wyvern tho not the same exact species.