i will die on my "sorry not sorry but if you're doing fantasy thats extremely obviously rooted in the late medieval and renissance you don't get to whistle by and ignore firearms" hill forever. i have been dying on this hill for years and i will continue to respawn and die again on this hill
also i am ALWAYS reminding people of firearms in asia. and how the samurai used them regularly
Very literal.
honestly? this is why i run my games for people i know well who i know aren't going to Be Like That
also, people always forget the real limiter on the advancedness of firearms! it wasn't that people were incapable of conceptualizing the idea of a gun that reloaded itself, but it was the limitations of machining and chemistry
the fantasy is based around "I'm the smart one, I brought THE TRUE WEAPON, a revolver I made myself, while everyone else is stupid and using swords"
helps that a lot of what the players are fighting are also packing lmao
the party's sorcerer has a pistol but is mainly using it as a focus to cast Needle Darts
i really, really dislike how people apply these webs of of moral judgement to simple machines of a tube and some explody powder
a big part of my thesis here is that firearms didn't really start to truly, unrecognizably and drastically change warfare and how conflicts are fought until, at the earliest, the american civil war. before then, they were alternatives to ancient tactics with bows and siege weapons
fuck i thought you were replying to a different part of the threa-
yea still like, yea. gun is a tube that shoots a projectile through some explody. just as much a weapon as a blade or a bow
But I do think there's a definite shift with the end of the pike and shot era, where infantrymen stopped being handed anything *but* a firearm as their primary weapon.