trans ppl for a decade: these ppl are fascists and here is exactly how they’re going to take over.
the media & political class: ppft fucking wokeness.
*fascist takeover*
the media & political class: here’s how wokeness and the trannies caused a fascist takeover.
the media & political class: ppft fucking wokeness.
*fascist takeover*
the media & political class: here’s how wokeness and the trannies caused a fascist takeover.
Reposted from
Jolyon Maugham
Am sure this piece is well intentioned. But if you seek to analyse the pushback against (eg) trans people without acknowledging the *vast* sums the political right spends demonising them you will draw many false conclusions. 🧵
I mean, my legs are quite toned as i do about 90km a week walking but otherwise i am not capable of muscling in on anything
Its something centrists say after being called out for allowing this to happen. They say "well if the left hadnt been so mean, i wouldnt have felt the need to support nazis " without an ounce of irony