it’s not actually possible to get disabled ppl ‘back to work’. the reason they aren’t working is bcos they can’t work.
rachel reeves knows this. her attacks on disabled ppl are a cull. it’s democide. she doesn’t think disabled ppl are worthy of life.
rachel reeves knows this. her attacks on disabled ppl are a cull. it’s democide. she doesn’t think disabled ppl are worthy of life.
I mind back in 97/98/, 99i was dealing with so much undiagnosed shit - cptsd, adhd, pmdd, anemia , endo - but diagnosed with depth, and tony blairs 'new labour' dwp made me go on one of those 'get back to work' things for a few days
it did nothing for my disabilities, not a thing
There has been no Q. of the cost of using outsourcers (and management consultants).
This from 2021:
Reeves sees how many times the UN chastised the conservative government for gross violations of disabled peoples human rights and said "hold my chardonnay!"
they should be pointing out that it’s murder.
If it's an actual job then good. But it needs to be an actual real job not a marketing exercise then a company can claim they employ disabled people
Trying to purge the benefits system of people who need the money to live isn't the same.
That's "fuck disabled people"
Not "getting disabled people back to work"
Media spin. One is a reasonable thing the other is being cunts