It's amazing how outlook changed during COVID. Amid lockdowns and supply chain issues, Republicans were saying it's great. Only falling when Biden came into office.
I think saying these are partisan is accurate, but not quite correct.
The Dem line is fundamentally reality based--the start of Obama stunk, GDP & employment slowly improved, stabilized for Trump, cratered during COVID, improved during Biden except for 2022 inflation.
+1. Blue line hewing closer to actual economic conditions and this could be easily proven by the addition of an economic indicator line. As constructed - it’s just to troll.
It really is some "both sides" trolling and I've seen it from left of center folks who I like, and it's disappointing!
The Dem line *never* gets higher for Biden than it did during Trump. You can make an argument either way (e.g., was the best of the Biden years better than the best of Trump) 1/2
but if Dems were pure partisans, it should easily be higher during Biden. It's not!
The story is a) Repubs high partisanship largely detaches them from the reality on the economy and b) Dems are MUCH more reality based, but even they are *negatively* affected by economic reporting & framing! 2/2
Yep. All of that. But it’s not easy to solve. I know people (biz owners!) that I am shocked to learn believe things about the economy that are patently untrue. I’ve tried to DISPROVE the upside down world they think they’re working in (and it doesn’t always work). It’s a PsyOp if you ask me
Democrats confuse “good economy” with “economy that works for normal people”. Things stopped working for normal people during Reagan, which means Democrats won’t call it a good economy no matter how much LineGoUp there is.
It shows the lie of the “liberal” media. There is actually a huge conservative media (*always* negative on economy for Dems), the MSM (“the economy is good, but…”) and leftist activists (“incomes are outstripping inflation? Have you talked to a poor person?”). Leaves little push for positivity.
The Dem line is fundamentally reality based--the start of Obama stunk, GDP & employment slowly improved, stabilized for Trump, cratered during COVID, improved during Biden except for 2022 inflation.
The R line is 90% partisan BS
The Dem line *never* gets higher for Biden than it did during Trump. You can make an argument either way (e.g., was the best of the Biden years better than the best of Trump) 1/2
The story is a) Repubs high partisanship largely detaches them from the reality on the economy and b) Dems are MUCH more reality based, but even they are *negatively* affected by economic reporting & framing! 2/2