someone other than Eggman? Talk about incredible.
Makes certain people want that / real / bad. Enough to pay money.
Makes certain people want that / real / bad. Enough to pay money.
It's not for sale, if that's what you came here to ask. ( Not like I'd ever sell something I made to the likes of you.. )
[ After a moment or two, she leans a hand on the table- supporting her suddenly shaky legs. ]
But, then again . .
[ Eyes glance at the other shoulders as she leans on the table, head tilting in a mocking way. ]
You weren't exactly smart enough to hide that port better. The back of your neck, really?
All too easy for someone to . . [ popping noise! ] slide something in.
Don't bother trying to remove it, by the way. The virus is already there.
[ Was it a malfunction? A glitch? Whatever it was, it meant the prototype - /her/ SELF, was /compromised./ ]