"You're literally the heir to a house and you think you don't have admirers?" He sighs.
"Alright- what is your preference? If you say the warrior of light... this a good choice."
"I'm certain I do now, now that my house isn't seen as weak and housing heretics and insurrectionists." His cheeks flushed. "But I wouldn't want to take advantage of a stranger's genuine interest... and well, yes I suppose I do find some of the warriors of light and others attractive, b-but..."
"My friend you are aware that there have been a number of warriors of light seeking you out no? Never mind others. If you really struggle, might I suggest joining Ser Haurchefant out upon a 'tavern crawl'?" He grins.
I've unfortunately...well that is, I don't really have anyone... er, I mean.... who would I even?
"You're literally the heir to a house and you think you don't have admirers?" He sighs.
"Alright- what is your preference? If you say the warrior of light... this a good choice."
"If anyone can help, it would be he."