Formaldehyde is a target of fear-mongering about vaccines.
12,000 micrograms (ug) of formaldehyde in a pear.
A baby produces 1,100 ug daily.
Adults? 1.5 ounces daily.
A vaccine? Less than 100 ug.
You produce 425,000X MORE formaldehyde EVERY DAY than what might be in a vaccine.
Facts matter.
12,000 micrograms (ug) of formaldehyde in a pear.
A baby produces 1,100 ug daily.
Adults? 1.5 ounces daily.
A vaccine? Less than 100 ug.
You produce 425,000X MORE formaldehyde EVERY DAY than what might be in a vaccine.
Facts matter.
Is an argument stupid people who don't understand chemistry will argue....
'Formaldehyde. We put in just a touch of formaldehyde for flavour. Some people get sick, yeah. So if you have to be rushed to a hospital, then when you return, I give you a free salad.'
People cannot self-diagnose an allergy to formaldehyde (or any other allergies).
I'm always curious about how people susceptible to vaguely chemophobic thinking, but not necessarily already primed for chemophobia or anti-vax sentiment, tend to react to trivia like this? Engagement? Cynicism?
the situation is different for wooden chipboards cont. formaldehyde in the resin/glue, which are often used in interior fittings and which outgas low conc. of CH₂O for years.