It would be great if EVERYONE stopped using the word chemical as “a bad word”
Everything is chemicals.
You are chemicals.
The source of a chemical doesn’t impact it.
Natural chemicals aren’t better.
Synthetic chemicals aren’t either.
They’re all just chemicals.
Everything is chemicals.
You are chemicals.
The source of a chemical doesn’t impact it.
Natural chemicals aren’t better.
Synthetic chemicals aren’t either.
They’re all just chemicals.
But the bigger problem is that the gap in knowledge between what the average person knows and what's needed to understand the most basic chemistry is HUGE to the point of impassable.
To wit, the completely out of whack war on PFAS.
The dose of a chemical matters.
The route of exposure matters.
Synthetic vitamin C? Same as vitamin C in a food.
Formaldehyde used for viral inactivation? Same as the formaldehyde your body makes.
Tell scientists how molecules and atoms are arranged, because that tells us how those chemicals interact and behave.
Long names don’t mean a chemical is “bad”
Short names don’t mean a chemical is “good”
We need basic chemistry education.
That’s my goal.