I do fucking love that line so much like YES slap me in the face with the tone change of that scene transition, YES show me how sweet and goofy ww is, NO(yes) break my heart by once again perfectly highlighting the trauma this boy has gone through and how he's been identified (as a subject/property)
the fact that ww interprets it as vash thinking hes gonna hurt the baby also. insane. when ww’s shirt button popped off from flexing too hard and it almost killed vash and vash’s response was to do the cat version of walking away with his legs pressed together so no one would know he was hard
vash becoming the dripper every time hes around wolfwood and wolfwood contemplating ripping his own dick off every time he thinks about vash in literally any capacity besides platonic
Ww’s full time nanny arc went CRAZY and thinking vash was surveilling him bc he didn’t trust him around kids but vash was actually losing his mind… poetic
oh to be vash!!! watching baby whisperer wolfwood and lose his mind every time
wolfwood, certified idiot: u keep staring and me and sweating :( why r u scared of me :(
And "you gotta sock foot!!" lives in my brain forever and ever now