So true…can still remember the hassle in letting our (asthmatic) son have access to his inhaler in school…but yup, they’re doing transition surgery in school…😼
Our school nurse asked all of this from us only for US to bring and dispense the Tylenol to our kid. If the Republican position was accurate, the school nurse watched and provided guidance for me to surgically change my kid’s gender.
All that for a Tylenol but then a confused gender dysphoria teacher will turn around and tell a child that if they are friends with girls and they wear pink then maybe they are a girl and would be willing to call them a typical girls name without telling the parents. Now that’s creepy.
And "perfect the way they are" means they way THEY want to be, not the way YOU want them to be. Our teachers have more important things to do than to attempt the fake scenario you're suggesting, like TEACHING. Stop posting fake scenarios and do something better with your life.
You need help if you're focused on children's bodies and hypothetical scenarios that AREN'T happening, instead of children's education, making sure all kids have food, and feel safe at home.
In Special
education there is a transition program where the school makes a plan and goals to “transition” the student from school to adult life (work, home living skills, etc). It starts all the way back when the kid is 14.
I’m 99% sure this is where Trump got the idea.
You gotta buy your kids pencils, paper, and book plus a bunch of other stuff schools can't afford....but somehow they have a secret hospital in the basement that turns Johnny into Josephene the amazing girls volleyball phenom.
If you wrote a novel like this it'd be too stupid to publish.
They are not changing bio sex but they are letting kids choose gender and pronouns. You understand the difference, right. So don’t belittle how upset people are over this.
Let parents know and perhaps appropriate school staff, such as social worker. Teachers are not psychologists or doctors. No one should put this type of thing on them.
That's absolutely right. So the obligation of teachers is to follow the advice of experts....not politicians, not social media, not some hair brained neighbor, not the internet, but some actual experts.
It doesn’t affect you. It isn’t happening. And if a teenager wants to call themselves by another name, then why do YOU care? You just want to CONTROL other people. If YOU don’t like it, then you want it banned. Too bad.
Sorry champ, but it was claimed by the Cult Leader that SEX REASSIGMENT SURGERY was happening in schools. So don't tell us we did not hear what we clearly heard.
If my kids tell me tomorrow they're GNC/NB/trans/wanna explore wearing clothes from the other side of the aisle, I'll roll with it - and they know that.
Bigoted parents shouldn't make school teachers complicit in their bigotry.
The nurse at my last school wasn’t even allowed to give ME Tylenol, and I’m 37 years old.
If I was capable of indoctrinating students, I’d indoctrinate them into doing their homework and shutting their mouths in class. I don’t care about their sexuality or gender.
When my daughter was in school, I had to leave work to bring her inhaler to her when she needed it. The school nurse wasn't even allowed to touch it. I knew ppl who had to leave work to give their kids their meds for wtevr reason. If you think schools are doing surgery, I have a bridge for sale.
I mean, school nurses are pretty skilled, but last I heard, they aren't capable of doing complex surgeries, not to mention for free.
If they were, I'd be hitting one up for some gratis lipo FFS.
It appears you Congress Members don’t mind becoming insignificant & irrelevant.
The Musk/Trump administration is breaking the “Impoundment Control Act of 1974” & “Public Law 95-17” with his “Unitary Executive Theory”.
Both impeachable offenses.
It appears you Congress Members don’t mind becoming insignificant & irrelevant.
The Musk/Trump administration is breaking the “Impoundment Control Act of 1974” & “Public Law 95-17” with his “Unitary Executive Theory”.
Both impeachable offenses.
The crime is being perpetuated by the Executive Branch. Which employees are actually following illegal POTUS EOs is a matter for the courts. The POTUS can only be #ImpeachedAndRemoved by feckless Congress.
And with zero-tolerance policies, schools will expel girls for carrying Midol. Meanwhile, sex change operations are taking place in the gym between classes. Are people really this stupid, or do they just pretend to be to rationalize voting for Trump and other Republicans?
Pretending to be stupid to justify doing an objectively stupid thing?
Thats a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid calling people stupid. Just cut out the middleman.
Literally! 😂 our kids aren’t even allowed to touch cheerios if we don’t sign off on it being okay but yet they WILL change their gender in Kindergarten. 🤦🏼♀️🫣
Teachers are being forced to hustle printer paper and crayons out of their own pockets, and suddenly they're doing higher-level medical procedures that take hours aside from prep? Bless those twisted hateful little right-wing hearts ....
As everyone CLEARLY knows it's a VERY short journey from filling in permission forms in triplicate, signed by a guardian, your attorney & school ombudsman, notarized & submitted to the county clerk, for a matter as important as important as pain relievers, TO sending kids home trans. Simply tragic.
Exactly. And if the form is not completed, the parent has to show up to administer the meds. This stuff was made up by people who have never had kids I am guessing.
When my kid was in school, teachers would send a wish list at the beginning of the year with requests such as kleenex, disinfecting wipes, pencils and printer paper. Never any mention of general anesthetics, scalpels, or drains.
The school wouldn't help my 2nd grade type 1 diabetic nephew with insulin, but sure, the are performing gender reassignment surgery, during recess I guess. 🤔
Right?! They think we're all as stupid as they are. Freaking stupid trumphumping gullibillies. And the thing about making them go to the bathroom in kitty litter! Is just as ridiculous.
I’ve a kid in kinder. Facts! I administer Tylenol and allergy meds before school bc they need consent like you said. They won’t even let her have Nutella, a nutrition bar, a cookie or chips after healthy food. Had to sign a form for her to be taught health and personal safety. F maga.
Besides, everyone knows it's nurses substituting hormone blockers for Tylenol. Omg, that does sound like them💩
I wonder if it would be fun to infiltrate into Qanonsense and pretend I don't know I'm sewing seeds of doubt. When they say "Trust the plan" ooh that sounds scary. I could work w that🤣
I was actually thinking that after I typed it because they make up weirder stuff all the time. I just don't think the stupid maga type will believe anything I say. They're programmed to reject everything from the left, center, or moderate right.
Yes because schools, using the surplus in their budgets, have converted several classrooms into surgery & recovery rooms. They've also hired trained nurses and specialized surgeons to provide the conversions. /s
FFS. The schools can barely afford copy paper much less full surgical suites.
This exactly the truth! I have worked in a school office for years....can't give Tylenol or put anything but soap and water on a wound. No Neosporin, etc. No trans operations happening!🤦♀️
It's funny how that's the bullshit lie they're peddling, while their *real* problem is that teachers and other school employees aren't outing terrified children to their abusive cult loving parents.
A lot of these words are used in zoology, anthropology, biology, general health studies, geology, meteorology, archaeology, paleontology, and many other "-ologies" you can think of.
Hell same with history.
Also it's very obvious they want to get rid of any women's studies. Geezus Christ...
It's much worse. Our idiot president has said kids are going to school one sex and coming home a different sex. I mean, maybe he knows he's lying, but for a president to say things like this is disgraceful.
The same MAGAts that think there is a plot to change their kid’s sex must think there is a god in the clouds watching over this and letting it happen. 🤭
The trans issue is only being used to fuel the takeover of the public school system by conservative “christian” dipshits. Religion out of the schools/government. Tax churches if they want to be political entities. Tax mega-churches anyway. Indoctrination is indoctrination.
I never understood how anyone with kids in school could have fallen for that crap. The school won't give an aspirin to my kids without a consent form on file and they have no budget for even pencils.
Oh, but they'll do magical sex change operations that heal in a day without consent? Seriously?
School nurse here, can confirm. I have to have a medication administration form signed by a parent to give a kid a cough drop. But sure...I'm switching up your kids gender for them in my one-cot, former storage closet office during lunch recess. I used to be an OR RN, so I'm totally suspect.
When Trump said that, I thought of my kid's asthma action plan that we do every year with the doc and the school nurse just so he can have his inhaler and carry meds he takes to his dad's. I rolled my eyes so hard the neighbors heard it.
I'm a crossing guard at an elementary school and I can't be given Tylenol by the school nurse, I have to get my own. At best I can ask to have a bandaid for a paper cut.
Also ever seen a school doctor's office? They're not meant for surgeries let alone gender reassignment operations.
Thank you. I am a teacher and was appalled that he was saying this. Even his base (if they have kids) no you can’t let your kid get aspirin without consent forms in schools
That's not far from the truth. I had to stop by my son's school to give him drops for pink eye because the school nurse is only allowed to do it if a pediatrician signs a form saying so. Me saying so is not enough. State: TX
There was a good month or so here in Texas where Colin Allred not hating on trans people enough was almost the ONLY thing Rs were attacking him on. And I remember one commercial with a smug MAGA woman making this kind of attack.
I get migraines and have pretty much my whole life. My mom heard this ridiculous protocol from the nurse, laughed and said “fuck that,” and packed baggies with aspirin/excedrin into my backpack from then on.
Funny story about that, too…😆
Truth. We have a registered nurse and aside from prescriptions, can only give ice and band aids. We can’t even have Lysol wipes in our classroom. I’m not complaining, just here to bear witness.
Nancy mace is one of those pervs looking under stalls in bathrooms to see what you have 😏 and wants a to run for gov of South Carolina. People here are idiots but really hoping some wake the fuck up and keep her out!!!
The school administration being unreasonably bureaucratic at the expense of the parents' convenience *and* being unreasonably bureaucratic at the expense of the parents' right to make decisions impacting their child?
They're the living embodiment of George Carlin's, "Just think of how dumb the average person is, and then remember that half the people are dumber than that!"
This is why community health centers are vital as they can and do provide school base well center within the school. One of those services that get grants and covered under Medicaid!
The head of the school health center in the district I grew up in lost her job due to Trump/DOGE cutting the grants. It's sad. She also worked with homeless students to get services. The clinic is still running for now, but I wonder how long it will be.
We grow morons in MO. Come visit the Ozarks on your next vacation and we will show you a large collection. It’s like a moron museum; all shapes and sizes. If you visit St. Louis or KC first we can vaccinate you first. 🤣
I was just corrected by my science guy hubby. He said we grow Morel mushrooms here not morons. Apparently it’s a different type of fungi. 🤔 You are still welcome to visit. 👍
Anyone who has sent kids to school knows that the schools are very strict about giving out any OTC medication. Gender changing surgery at school? That is so absurd that it is not even remotely funny. And anyone who believes this lie is dumb as a rock.
How can anyone believe those lies when everyone knows how schools handle medication dispensing with strict rules. Every parent knows that. Just by watching Faux Noise cancels the real life experience? I cannot make sense of especially this situation.
When my son with food allergies was in K-12, I couldn't even trust that there would be a nurse available to help if he had an allergic reaction, so I sent lunch with him every day.
So yeah, sure, there are surgeons doing operations hanging around at school.
I have a relative who is a school nurse and barely has enough room in her office to slap a band aid on a scrapped knee and do the paperwork let alone do sex changes! MAGA/GOP are so stupid!
Seriously! My son has mild asthma and I got the form, an inhaler for school, filled out the form, but DIDNT have the Dr sign the medication form. For an inhaler. And I'm on the verge of just putting it in his bag.
education there is a transition program where the school makes a plan and goals to “transition” the student from school to adult life (work, home living skills, etc). It starts all the way back when the kid is 14.
I’m 99% sure this is where Trump got the idea.
Average cost of a sex change without complications and all the pre/after care 50,000
Which idiot Magamaniac honestly believed this was happening in a country without free health care???
If you wrote a novel like this it'd be too stupid to publish.
Kids aren't possessions, they're people. We're supposed to raise them with love and compassion, not tell them who they have to be.
I'll belittle whom I like.
If my kids tell me tomorrow they're GNC/NB/trans/wanna explore wearing clothes from the other side of the aisle, I'll roll with it - and they know that.
Bigoted parents shouldn't make school teachers complicit in their bigotry.
That 'news' channel is the central nervous system of maga cult programming.
If I was capable of indoctrinating students, I’d indoctrinate them into doing their homework and shutting their mouths in class. I don’t care about their sexuality or gender.
These people are insane!
If they were, I'd be hitting one up for some gratis lipo FFS.
It appears you Congress Members don’t mind becoming insignificant & irrelevant.
The Musk/Trump administration is breaking the “Impoundment Control Act of 1974” & “Public Law 95-17” with his “Unitary Executive Theory”.
Both impeachable offenses.
It isn’t.
True centrism can’t exist here. Not anymore.
It appears you Congress Members don’t mind becoming insignificant & irrelevant.
The Musk/Trump administration is breaking the “Impoundment Control Act of 1974” & “Public Law 95-17” with his “Unitary Executive Theory”.
Both impeachable offenses.
Make Musk the hatchet man:
He’s unimpeachable because he’s unelected. He doesn’t have to worry about voter retribution because he’s an unelected.
Boards bring in consultants to perform massive layoffs. For this very reason.
Walz is sooooo much better, hands down.
(News report reference.)
Thats a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid calling people stupid. Just cut out the middleman.
Just NOT true.
And people fell for this shit
“We can’t even afford pencils!!”
You failed as a parent.
I wonder if it would be fun to infiltrate into Qanonsense and pretend I don't know I'm sewing seeds of doubt. When they say "Trust the plan" ooh that sounds scary. I could work w that🤣
FFS. The schools can barely afford copy paper much less full surgical suites.
#resistance #science #censorship
Hell same with history.
Also it's very obvious they want to get rid of any women's studies. Geezus Christ...
This is some straight up, FASCIST, REPRESSIVE, destructive shit.
4B mother fuckers. Srsly let’s sex strike for minimum of 1 yr and make them regret allllll their choices
But if you ladies want to organize and set this up - I will 1000% support this.
I will be sad. But I will understand. ❤️
Oh, but they'll do magical sex change operations that heal in a day without consent? Seriously?
Also ever seen a school doctor's office? They're not meant for surgeries let alone gender reassignment operations.
Republicans = Fascists and fascists only know what they are told.
Funny story about that, too…😆
Still makes me shake my head.
The school administration being unreasonably bureaucratic at the expense of the parents' convenience *and* being unreasonably bureaucratic at the expense of the parents' right to make decisions impacting their child?
Also, easily duped, and delusional.
he’d be really really pissed.
You could put on a show of re-runs and it would be current & relevant
(they have a box they keep the little Peter's in.)
I was fine with that.
Everyone is unique
That’s not a bad thing
That’s how we were made
Knowing that, why are normal American (maga) people, against trans people, disabled people, veterans and mentally challenged people?
Trump has made ugly statements about each group
I don’t understand
Logic, common sense, rational thinking, 🧐 empathy, compassion
Yep, too much. 🥹
So yeah, sure, there are surgeons doing operations hanging around at school.
I have a PowerPoint from the last meeting somewhere…