Musk is notorious for overriding quality and security processes in his companies; that's why his products fail to meet all those quality and security standards
In other words, the companies he controls aren't in the business of making profitable products, they're bait to attract venture capital he can leverage into control of yet another company
One thing is certain. When the power shifts back, all that he has done and stolen will be replaced & reversed. He will lose all of his gvmt contracts and we will make him poor. He will run back to South Africa, where he came from, and he will not be welcome here. He’s just digging his own grave.
As dangerous as Starlink being used as Wi-Fi at the White House. The immense fortune it will cost to create brand-new systems, hardware & software, for every aspect of government, if we can get it back, is mind boggling. Everything he and his incels touched will have to be trashed.
I can’t understand why people think he’s such a genius. He’s never invented or created anything! He invested and stole and screwed over partners to get where he’s at. He’s just a rich crook. Nothing more.
I may have missed something in the firehose of daily news but I don't think felon or GOP lawyers have deigned to respond to federal court inquiries about the nature of his service in order to press a firing?
Don’t people get that EVERYTHING he’s doing is to make people dependent on him? He wants to gain control of banking with X and Crypto, AI to replace workers, starlink to control all communications, and he’s accessing all of your private data. Trump is just the monkey on his shoulder.
We should then boycott all airlines if they do to support them.
We also protest en masse.
And set up neighborhood networks to help keep their lights on & feed them.
THIS is how it's done. THIS is what it takes.