Trump's arrogance & ineptness has forced Europeans into a bit of internal soul searching with regards to their own security & defense capabilities - that's a good thing; it's not 1945. US can't sustain a trillion dollars a year for defense & vet affairs, it's breaking us.
USA Joins Axis of Evil: In the U.N. General Assembly, the U.S. joined Russia, Iran and North Korea in voting against a Europe-backed Ukrainian resolution that calls out Moscow’s aggression and demands an immediate withdrawal of Russian troops. GREAT WORK RIGHTY! trump did that
Fought, bled, and died is not just a catchphrase. Let’s separate WWII in context. There was a worldwide threat greater than the threat we face today. Today however the threat is localized. Our homeland is Under siege by enemies within. We’ve been infiltrated without a single shot being fired.
Two of my four uncles who fought in WWII crossed those beaches. Both in Shermans, one driver, one gunner. Late in '44, they took a sudden left turn to relieve the 101st. Fought their way into Germany from there.
Trump is also the first president to allow cradle communists to live in the White House! And be close to high ranking officials and have full time public funded security, transportation, food, housing, clothing, child care, healthcare, entertainment, etc. that all make sense now too!
Trump's arrogance & ineptness has forced Europeans into a bit of internal soul searching with regards to their own security & defense capabilities - that's a good thing; it's not 1945. US can't sustain a trillion dollars a year for defense & vet affairs, it's breaking us.