I bet there are a least a couple of billionaires rubbing their with glee… Okay, and a few billion other people. Mars looks far, far away for Elon… Wasn’t he supposed to be there already?
SpaceX, OTOH, when things break the cost big $$$ and make a big dangerous mess and conceivably kill people.
Musk has a 50% fail rate with launches of StarShip. Not good. Reckless.
Damn Ketamine Karen…
I'm not sure that's a rational fear 🤔
UNLESS one is actually an:
intellectual phony,
participating in nefarious activities,
and kneecapping a nation.
Because their level of delusion and logic are similar!
Starship, 2010 -?
That 💥 you heard was flight 8.
No crewed missions, not even close..no end in sight. Now with unlimited tax payer funds