In the 80's Reagan fired the PATCO (Pro Air Traffic Control Organization) workers, at that juncture we should have shut down the country in sympathy.
It is never too late to right that wrong.. shut it down.
You can't just void a union contract..
That’s why it needs to go straight to him and his cronies. Not the innocent bystanders. Just a quick “pew,pew” on a select few and all this comes crashing down (in a good way).
I worry about that
I truly believe that is why he allowed the assault on the Capitol to go on for so long
He set the whole thing up hoping that Black Lives Matter protesters or others would clash with his "disciples"
He had planned on declaring Marshall Law than
Isn't this where Dems in Congress and in elected office across the country start saying: NO.
Like we need a "We Are the World" moment when judges, generals and admirals, elected officials from all levels, our allies in one voice tell Trump: NO FUCKING MORE.
Make a paid, subscription app that I can easily enter a name or phone number, and it will tell me if they are part of the COUP or their level of cult participation.
So I can refuse them sales or service!
TSA strikes me as one agency with very little extra bodies, raises the question if they know the cuts are taking away needed people and Musk expects remaining workers will fill in gap.
If someone as dumb as myself, can see this crap happening?
Why do we hear nothing form the highly intelligent folks that know everything.
It is never too late to right that wrong.. shut it down.
You can't just void a union contract..
I truly believe that is why he allowed the assault on the Capitol to go on for so long
He set the whole thing up hoping that Black Lives Matter protesters or others would clash with his "disciples"
He had planned on declaring Marshall Law than
Like we need a "We Are the World" moment when judges, generals and admirals, elected officials from all levels, our allies in one voice tell Trump: NO FUCKING MORE.
"there will be blood"
Bc other than signing his name on Executive Orders, talking to & getting orders from Putin, POSTING on Social Media & GOLFING~
He seems to enjoy BREAKING as many VIP U.S. AGREEMENTS as he can!
Floridians, join me!!!
Florida doesn’t have a recall mechanism for Senators, but since we’re ignoring the rules….
Let’s remove this fraud, waste and abuse. Let’s raise our collective voice and send a message!!!
French Revolution
Peaceful Revolution (End of the Cold War)
[Remarks on the first anniversary of the Alliance for Progress, 13 March 1962]
John F. Kennedy
This is what happens.
Make a paid, subscription app that I can easily enter a name or phone number, and it will tell me if they are part of the COUP or their level of cult participation.
So I can refuse them sales or service!