It will be an awesome tour as you have a young future leader standing alongside an older well schooled leader to learn from. While the old leader may learn new ideas that never come his way before.
Mr Soviet fucking Union is putin's failsafe if you all remember.
Do not set such great stow on that ol pervert.
Politics is is second choice. He failed at writing rape fantasy porn...or do you wear rose colored glasses still?
They need to kick some ass & get people thinking clearly, if just for a few minutes, to understand the harm their Gov will wreak on them… if they do nothing.
They need focus on borderline MAGAs, independents, small “c” cons, young people & those that did not vote.
This is MAGA against Against Active Military and Veterans, then the guy stands there like he didn't do anything! He knows he's trying to provoke him to elicit a reaction! He's gonna get a reaction alright!
We gotta keep it real for AOC. The Republicans are already demonizing her at every turn much like they did Hillary going back to Bill’s time as president. They are terrified of strong, powerful women!
“Fight Fascism” has a better ring to my ear. And who’s the audience that needs reaching? Not the Left but the white non-college educated working class. WW II was a fight against Fascism, not oligarchy!
And it helps that Fascism has fewer letters.
And regular poor average people hate them. 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ how did average poor Union farmers vote Republican? Right wing propaganda. Like Hitler used the minorities and Jews. How are people so gullible? Oh that’s right poor US education. Keep em dumb! 🤦🏼♀️🤷♀️ it obviously works - and hate and racism.
While often true, even well educated people can be manipulated to believe what the manipulater wants them to believe. Easy to do. Know their semiotics, (behavior coded to mean certain thing), use Rhetoric and fallacies, use colors, placement, music, etc. I teach this stuff so folks get choice.
Bernie and AOC are key leaders. Will Centrist/moderate democrats support them or continue to take a fearful stance while being overly concerned about their electability.
fear mostly. it threatens their dark money and wealthy donors. It threatens republican policies they love. and some of them are still really butthurt and blaming Bernie for Hillary losing. Sorry folks. she did that all on her own.
there have been deep seated issues in the party since Reagan and they bought into neoliberalism. the clintons went full out with reaganonics and republican lite policies and not a single centrist dem has looked back since. scraps to the working class only. Dems voted for this mess too.
so now the question becomes...when the next election cycle comes around do dems put neoliberal Kamala or another neoliberal back in line or do they come up with a new plan. same old same old, or do they step up to the energy and honor it?
What is going on with NY? You elect a fighter like AOC, but you also elect people like Schumer? NYC is the biggest city in the country and you can’t find anybody better than Adams? i’m not trying to dig on you. I just don’t understand.
No. It would do more harm than good. These 2 have reps of understanding normal people.
The rest do town halls and just listen. And I do mean listen with someone taking notes. No proselytizing. Thank them for caring enough to share their thoughts.
Super! Have the Hot-Air balloons introduce this bill to end institutional racism in America! Let's see how far they get on creating equality for all. We are Africans with different skin shades all born beautiful to proud mothers in warm loving arms. Offered HOR Hollywood, declined. Hate politicians
They are gathering COMMITMENTS numbers, and will coordinate masses to begin a general strike once we have critical mass! Please join, and spread the word!
When Burnie and AOC take up ARMS along with all the DEI Generals - I will be there with millions of Vet's, and real American's that have taken their Oath to the Constitution Seriously!
AOC needs a new party to support. This household will not send any more money to any democratic party candidate. Neither will we vote for them. They've become just like the repuglicans.
Who are the oligarchs? Billionaires that support a political party and wield influence? That would be most of them. Does it include corporations who also contribute to politicians and influence them like drug companies?
Let us ALT that for you --
Breaking: AOC to join Bernie Sanders on his 'Fight Oligarchy' tour.
(Please use ALT, it is important for Bsky folks who use assistive tech!)
Heading to the CO Capital today for the 50501 march. third protest of year. Last w/end canvased for prog. City Counsel candidate. I never leave the house without some sort of protest in my clothing. Always boycotting. Never let a right-wing comment go unanswered.
Not much. But something.
this is what i’ve been waiting for. someone young to tag along with bernie who is too old. she doesn’t have his gift of speech but she’s savvy and can ride his tour coattails all the way to replacing chuck schumer in the senate.
Do not set such great stow on that ol pervert.
Politics is is second choice. He failed at writing rape fantasy porn...or do you wear rose colored glasses still?
They need to kick some ass & get people thinking clearly, if just for a few minutes, to understand the harm their Gov will wreak on them… if they do nothing.
They need focus on borderline MAGAs, independents, small “c” cons, young people & those that did not vote.
After all, we know the dictator's greatest weakness is a pedantic TED talk.
Unstoppable, get on board..
Basking in Bernie’s glow is her thing 🙄
And it helps that Fascism has fewer letters.
The rest do town halls and just listen. And I do mean listen with someone taking notes. No proselytizing. Thank them for caring enough to share their thoughts.
And touch base later that week.
They are gathering COMMITMENTS numbers, and will coordinate masses to begin a general strike once we have critical mass! Please join, and spread the word!
Cortez Masto
No peace for them.
They best be hitting road or hosting town halls.
Breaking: AOC to join Bernie Sanders on his 'Fight Oligarchy' tour.
(Please use ALT, it is important for Bsky folks who use assistive tech!)
Private Equity Firms are destroying #USA
Not much. But something.
Now it’s our turn to lead. No action is too small. Everyone has a role to play.