This is capitalism
The laws only apply to the peasant working class
And are in place to keep us dumb,propagandised to fear alternatives, divided, and most importantly.
subservient to the system that perpetuates our wage/debt slavery and destruction
The Constitution only has meaning if the president, the Senate, the House, and the SCOTUS believe in its integrity.
These 4 'institutions' are committed to the destruction of the Constitution and will eventually destroy lower court judges that stand in the way of the Trump Regime.
But the Supreme Court gave him immunity, which is why he is so brazen. He won’t have to answer for anything while he’s still President & probably when he’s not. Abominable!
How many millions of dollars were flushed down the toilet today when Trump illegally deported people and required a judge to tell them to turn the planes around and come back? It’s sick he is not held accountable.
Those in power must speak up and act - if they don’t it will kill all of us trying to defeat him. Then they can learn Russian because it will be “little” Russia…. You want that for yourself, your family and kids?
But thanks to the five assholes on the Supreme Court , he can pretty much do what he wants without fear of prosecution after we kick his sorry ass out of office! Thanks a fucking lot Biden and merrick Garland!
Then why isn’t he in prison then? Watching him suffer absolutely no consequences as a result of all his convictions is so frustrating for other parts of the world. What is so wrong with the legal system over there?
Not if actions taken outside of the caveat "Official Acts" is in play. Look at how many laws these FASCIST have broken; many of them are not considered an official act that a (so called) president would have to take to benefit or protect U.S.
Agree. Just written in anger and with heavy hearted sarcasm. Just hope there is actually a background plan of those having influence, power and funds who are about to execute a reverse of this coup because the destruction of our Republic is all going down way too fast!
…but the zero also know as Trump doesn’t care so… the people need to make him and the rest of his lying and cowardly administration go! Learn from Hungary…
And yet the orange toddler-in-chief is doing all of that. I thought when someone breaks the law, they're arrested? Oh, wait, I forgot, his supreme court sez he's above the law.
Actually, my understanding is that SCOTUS can only decide whether a law complies with the Constitution or not. And even then, Congress can overrule them. So, how were they allowed to grant the President immunity from the laws of this land?
The prosecutors and Judges in this country must look to what is classed official acts -
Also we need strong leadership to take on 4 corrupt SC Justices in this country - There is power there to charge them for their crimes - against the Constitution - Use them.
Agreed. If anyone could find their balls long enough to define official acts & research each action or order he has made since the 20th & compare it to "an official act" & then charge him for each violation.
Scotus gave Trump full immunity for official acts - what Trump is doing is not official - He doesn't have immunity for what he is doing - and since when do we start obeying 4 corrupt SC justices who refuse to obey the rule of law themselves - They also do not have the power to rewrite our laws -
Donald Trump refused to put his hand on the Bible when taking his oath of office. This should invalidate the whole deal! The Orange Turd is a FAKE CHRISTIAN and a FAKE AMERICAN
who is going to uphold this piece of paper that everyone lauds about but does nothing to uphold?? As per the 14:3 he should not have even been allowed to run. The constitution now means absolutely nothing it is literally not worth the paper it written on. Lofty ideas with no one to invoke anything👵🏼✊🏽
The constitution is only words on parchment, they have no meaning other than what we have given it over the last 249 years. We trust our representatives would be honest and trustworthy. We became complacent. It is the people's fault we are where we are only wake up enough to cast a ballet then 1)
Then go back to sleep until the next time. Our constant running after the next shiny thing has kept us in deep debt, so we're too busy working to pay for shit we really don't need to pay attention to what's happening with our government. We have forgotten they work for us, and that's a shame.
Our best bet is to treat those traitors that gave tRump the okay to do as he pleases, treat them like they did Just Dumb Vance by making him leave the area but everyone needs to join every time they see these traitors even Democrats like Chump Schumer, give them no peace until they do their jobs.
I’m thinking that the next time there is sanity in government we have to get rid of things like executive orders and shortcuts around Congress being the ones to declare war.
Why is this so hard to understand? Why do so many Americans look the other way when a president violates the constitution?
If you have ever sworn an oath to the constitution, you know full well it is not something temporary, and you uphold that oath for life.
Well, he didn’t swear on the Bible, so he apparently thinks he didn’t actually take the oath to obey the Constitution. Remember, he thinks like a child who would make such an excuse.
Change the powers of executive orders. No more pardons either. Time to revamp the system. No more court appointment judges put and term limits on them.
If the constitution applied to capitalists he could have been prevented from running and put in jail
Democrats allowed this to happen they are complicit
They work for capitalism
Fascism is capitalism so that's all good can't move back in the other direction without upsetting the capitalist class
Replaced the head of the military with Pro Trump supporter so National Guard can be used to put Martial law in place .Followed by law enforcement de badged driving rental cars 👍.
AMERICA HAS FALLEN. Extraordinary crisis demands extraordinary measures.
Stop government. Lock the doors. Block the halls. Obstruct, disrupt, jam the cogs. Call, email, show up to your reps offices relentlessly. Ruin golf games, ski trips, dinners, book tours. Boycott, defund, divest.
Maybe somebody will listen to you. I get yelled at for suggesting that . It has become clear that the GOP & at least 13 Dems are under the thumb of KOMPROMAT or GREED. They will do nothing unless it benefits them. It's down to we, the people, protecting the Democracy that so many died to protect.
Almost like the economic and political system necessitates incentivises and greatly rewards such behaviour
Like... we have been warned about this exact outcome for over 200 years
But we have also been propagandised to fear any subject that would lead us to this obvious conclusion
You Americans are funny, all you do is talk about dealing with trump's illegal action but actually do nothing. You've had countless chances but he continues to exercise unchecked authority. America isn't going to make it to mid year elections.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution give us the power to throw-off such government and provide new guards for our future security. Our honorable professional military leaders need to stand and seize the moment.
When/If we get an election in 2028, does anyone think that vance and the repubnazis will certify any result against trump? Anyone?
No. Voting rights are already dead. We just don't know it yet.
ZERO Power Trump. So what they all are doing is illegal under the constitution and where the fuck are armed Ed patriots taking down this government. We cannot roll over on this one. Since the Democrats can't get their asses out of their heads and use the filibuster! WTF!!
Absolutely True. Trump sees himself as a king. He has a mental delusion that needs a psychiatric evaluation. Billionaires can have mental health issues too. He is not fit to be a president nor dictate a nation. His actions and policies will only cause harm to his self and the nation. Has to stop 🎯💯
Remember he took the Constitution off of the White House website. They are running this like a company. In their minds, that is sufficient. Remember that: they are running this like a company. You work for a company. You know how it works. Forget the Constitutuion. But now you don’t just get fired.
WTF yes he does The Supreme Court said he is King he can do whatever the fuck he wants the majority of SCOTUS is owned by Putin too. They will allow him to get whatever he pleases learn how to fucking bow Mother Fuckers
Six SCOTUS justices differed with this position and granted Trump immunity to do whatever the hell he wanted to do. Including shooting someone on Fifth Ave, so long as he was in office at the time. The American public needs to wake up to the tyrant of both Trump and those six justices.
To do that, first, you'll need to make members of GOP House & Senate agree. I don't see that happening; talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. Their blood lust for power & their greed is too strong.
FINALLY ! The Constitution is sacret & may not be ignored ; by no means at all ! If the constitution is not respected by any kind of person, even a president, nor a king or whom ever ! No-one is aloud to reign nor govern if he or she ignores the constitution!
Unfortunately the president gives zero fucks about these facts and zero people are stopping him.
What what the reason again to have armed citizens? It might be time…
The caveat there is for "official acts." Someone needs to define what is, or is not an official act. If ordering gov. officials to go after & prosecute his political enemies is not an official act, then nail his ass to the wall & the CORRUPT SCOTUS will either confirm their corruption or uphold law.
To be fair, corrupt #scotus decided against this last year. Dear leader #fotus recently thanked these justices for that service and continued to break the law and the constitution.
And the disgraced Supreme Court has said that he can not be held responsible for any laws he breaks. They are not living up to the oath to abide by the constitution nor laws in our country. At a bare minimum, they should be disbarred.
Yep, but he’s a psychopath, he makes up the law. See how that works. And he’s been elected 3 times! So who’s responsible for electing a psychopath 3 times. And remember when he lost an election he destroyed America and was re-elected!. Wild naked apes got what they deserved.
OK, we all know that!! he might not be out there doing any of the heavy lifting, but he has musk doing it for him!
Those people in the no need to quit playing stupid. And kick the legs out from under those two.
This is the question. One can only hope the military will remember their obligations to the country and the constitution when Turnip eventually pushes the envelope and 'orders' them to do something illegal in his name.
The Constitution doesn't give or take any power - it's the *belief* in it that does and the actions people take as a result. I know that seems pedantic but I think in this moment in time it's important to make that distinction.
Well said.
Y’all too wrapped up in tradition, tRump is cracking open a new world paradigm you didn’t see it coming.
The Constitution means nothing to this man.
Correct, but they HAD TO SEE IT COMING. So many of us "ordinary" citizens saw & recognized it immediately in 2015/16. They saw his power-hungry narcissistic actions, which were really visible Jan 6th. They KNEW what he was capable of but did nothing to prepare to counteract his plans.
Trump is a white supremacist, a rapist
and a megalomaniac. Everything he does
is exactly what one might expect from a
white supremacist rapist megalomaniac,
yes? There's no surprises here...he is an
aggressive cancer that must be stopped
I wrote my congressman asking what he is doing to counter republican administration attacks on 3-branch checks and balances. Then along comes CR; “he’s not usurping if we *give* him our power.”“Some truth there, but you are servile & weak and rip away the representation constituents voted for.”
Like they did in France in the 1700s
Learn to understand how and why we are in this situation and rectify the cause (capitalism)
Or we will be back here again in no time
But the Supreme Court did give him immunity from prosecution while executing official acts, so it really depends what you consider to be an official act of a president….
Having had the second and third zeros made legally irrelevant by the impunity afforded him under the previous administration, the Criminal President is now working on the first zero as the world watches in horror.
And yet he’s getting away with it. I do know a sure fire way to stop him signing absurd proclamations though: break into the White House and steal all his Sharpies.
This is capitalism
The laws only apply to the peasant working class
And are in place to keep us dumb,propagandised to fear alternatives, divided, and most importantly.
subservient to the system that perpetuates our wage/debt slavery and destruction
These 4 'institutions' are committed to the destruction of the Constitution and will eventually destroy lower court judges that stand in the way of the Trump Regime.
✊ Dear lawyers, give us the way to struggle... I can't...
Both Trump and the Republican Congress should be impeached as both are failing to do their duties under the Constitution
#Trump and his #MAGA minions-WILL Try to IGNORE All Court Orders short of #SCOTUS.
Trump could even try to ignore SCOTUS, as HE thinks SCOTUS has given him a Hall Pass, and he Knows SCOTUS can't arrest.
Because everyone who could pull the plug is only talking about instead of doing it.
Also we need strong leadership to take on 4 corrupt SC Justices in this country - There is power there to charge them for their crimes - against the Constitution - Use them.
Yes, then arrest him.
No, then leave him alone.
Unfortunately, they have handed him untethered power to do as he wants with NO repercussions.
This is why he is writing all of these executive rules.
is he following the court at all? 🤔
#fixthecountry #generalstrikenow
They must pay right ???
It's their faults !!!
It also doesn’t let him hire someone to close government department that are investigating that person.
Epic corruption!
Now what?
So, I guess it does. 🤷🏼♀️
If you have ever sworn an oath to the constitution, you know full well it is not something temporary, and you uphold that oath for life.
Democrats allowed this to happen they are complicit
They work for capitalism
Fascism is capitalism so that's all good can't move back in the other direction without upsetting the capitalist class
Stop government. Lock the doors. Block the halls. Obstruct, disrupt, jam the cogs. Call, email, show up to your reps offices relentlessly. Ruin golf games, ski trips, dinners, book tours. Boycott, defund, divest.
Like... we have been warned about this exact outcome for over 200 years
But we have also been propagandised to fear any subject that would lead us to this obvious conclusion
Time to STOP this criminal behavior…
That's the message of the moment.
Just sayin'
Just sayin
No. Voting rights are already dead. We just don't know it yet.
What what the reason again to have armed citizens? It might be time…
All controlled by the RepubliCONS!!!!
See the problem.
The voters have given the power to the GOP to remake the U.S. government.
Those people in the no need to quit playing stupid. And kick the legs out from under those two.
This is the question. One can only hope the military will remember their obligations to the country and the constitution when Turnip eventually pushes the envelope and 'orders' them to do something illegal in his name.
Not for the good of the US.
This is capitalism you don't actually think this system is designed to work for all of us do you
Well said.
Y’all too wrapped up in tradition, tRump is cracking open a new world paradigm you didn’t see it coming.
The Constitution means nothing to this man.
and a megalomaniac. Everything he does
is exactly what one might expect from a
white supremacist rapist megalomaniac,
yes? There's no surprises here...he is an
aggressive cancer that must be stopped
Learn to understand how and why we are in this situation and rectify the cause (capitalism)
Or we will be back here again in no time
THERE ARE NO PROVISIONS FOR if the DOJ refuses to enforce.
THAT'S what they're counting on.
It can do as it pleases.
With full military and police backing.
Did you miss that ?