Anti-intellectualism has been indolent and pernicious. Congress shifted to a more short term profit only matters approach to science. Funding required showing a product that produced income. Engineering and advanced basic science degrees became something you contracted/bought not something fostered.
That's why Reagan started the defunding of education in the '80s. The Heritage Foundation and Saint Raygun thought it would be a great idea to have dumb fucks for constituents, because they're way easier to lead around by the nose. And he was right! That's how we got Trump
Communities should start right now creating home grown pockets of education that is part vocational and includes crucial life skills!!!
Regardless of whether or not the republicans are successful in dismantling our future…
Well.. it is working if half the country voted for this dim wit slime ball to rescue them from the terrible state they were in, not even 3 months ago.. when they turn on him.. the dems better be ready and prepared to lead them back to reality and truth.. and help everyone...
Reminds me of the Pol Pot regime in Vietnam. So much fallout and decades later, Vietnam and all of those who escaped on boats still feel the pain. As do the Vietnam veterans and their families.
Absolutely! Knowledge empowers people to think critically, challenge injustice, and build a better future. That’s why education and access to information are so important!
Not likely to happen.
Most U.S textbooks are printed in Texas. The TX Legislature gave it self the right to EDIT schoolbooks. This is how slaves became “Guest Workers.”
Thank the national PTA.
So tired of hearing 47 say, “Who are you with?” in front of reporters. He does it ALL the time now and keeps discrediting our free press. Journalists need to say, “I’m with the people, sir. Who are you with?” Turn the question on him! It’ll throw him off his game.
100%. USians have the additional problem of having been told for generations that they are the best, their country is the best, the most free, the strongest.
Now largely uneducated AND impoverished, still thinking they are the envy of the world.
Clearly not something valued by this horrorship.
Education=Intelligent reasoning, problem solving,
independent thinkers,
competence and
a myriad of values that gives me chills when I see my adult children exhibiting all of this and leading others by example.
Yes, the cunningly dumb, are frightened of and despise people who have the skills of critical thinking and intellectual debate. The connive; cheat; lie and bully their way into power and most have difficulty putting together a coherent sentence.
And our country elected that guy^^^to be the President of the United States.
People or places or objects that are understood by those educated leave little reason to be afraid.
MAGAs are intrinsically afraid of just about all people and places outside their doors and home boundaries.
The fostering of hopelessness through brutality and lack of opportunity is a deep tactic of those who would have you beg for mercy instead of demand agency. So much social study so little remembering.
Texas midwife post? If so, Texas policies on women's issues, especially health, are backward leaning and designed to take away rather than giving women more rights!!
My response was to most school textbooks being printed in Texas.
So Tx legislature passed laws allowing themselves to edit books printed in Tx. Or, how a section on slaves became “Guest workers.”
I'm worried about the Internet.
For now we still have lines of communication with the outside world.
We're not totally isolated.
Wit those lines severed, what are we left with?
Idk tech so it may be a baseless fear but seeing how effective disinformation is already, I worry.
Tho there is a tradeoff that goes with experiments in education: Some folks come to believe they are smart because they went to school... an clearly these failures didn't make the cut.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
― Isaac Asimov
The same tactic backfires on the authoritarians by breeding new generations of dullards, thereby crippling economic growth and innovation, and sending the nation and its economy into a downward spiral from which it cannot escape without a total rebirth and several generations of repair.
Trump & the Republicans are domestic terrorists siding with our enemies & against the American people, our friends & allies. Shed sweat equity in defiance or we'll be shedding tears later! Defy, do not comply! Build momentum! Once launched our rebellion will not blowup like Musk's rockets..!
There have been serious questions about his ability to read.
Also speech of a Grade 3 and understanding of a grade 6 if you put all the documents together.
Yes, keep them poor, sick, & ignorant! IE dismantled the Health departments (CDC), Dept of Education, and add tariffs, causing job losses!
Are we on the right track for weak government and strong authoritarian style takeover???
Deporting and imprisoning resistance leaders is a bit of a give away. Best not walk past high windows incase like in Russia you fall out of one with a self inflicted bullet for good measure.
I think it's not a coincidence that Chrome's spellchecker has forgotten a whole list of words that are related to talking about dysfunctional government several times. Corporatocracy is one of about 50 terms I know of that this has happened with. Some fashy techbros are messing about.
I'm also reminded of Pol Pot and the awful genocide that occured in Cambodia. Even if you wore eyeglasses you were executed, because eyeglasses=educated in that maniac's opinion.
George Carlin predicted it years ago. Now everybody can all see the kleptocratic system for what it is. We need a reset.
Regardless of whether or not the republicans are successful in dismantling our future…
Most U.S textbooks are printed in Texas. The TX Legislature gave it self the right to EDIT schoolbooks. This is how slaves became “Guest Workers.”
Thank the national PTA.
Now largely uneducated AND impoverished, still thinking they are the envy of the world.
Education=Intelligent reasoning, problem solving,
independent thinkers,
competence and
a myriad of values that gives me chills when I see my adult children exhibiting all of this and leading others by example.
Yes, the cunningly dumb, are frightened of and despise people who have the skills of critical thinking and intellectual debate. The connive; cheat; lie and bully their way into power and most have difficulty putting together a coherent sentence.
People or places or objects that are understood by those educated leave little reason to be afraid.
MAGAs are intrinsically afraid of just about all people and places outside their doors and home boundaries.
We are competing w China. They produce thousands of engineers, technicians, and scientists annually, and we're falling behind.
Please don't throw education under the bus!!
So Tx legislature passed laws allowing themselves to edit books printed in Tx. Or, how a section on slaves became “Guest workers.”
It was sooo Texas.
Do love Tex-Mex food though.
Probably because they live next door to the Bigliest Propaganda Machine on Earth!
For now we still have lines of communication with the outside world.
We're not totally isolated.
Wit those lines severed, what are we left with?
Idk tech so it may be a baseless fear but seeing how effective disinformation is already, I worry.
― Isaac Asimov
This is why his lawyers are repeatedly disbarred and imprisoned.
Let's hope that trend continues.
Also speech of a Grade 3 and understanding of a grade 6 if you put all the documents together.
Are we on the right track for weak government and strong authoritarian style takeover???