It's one of those things you just kind of pick up once you've used it enough. A good giveaway is that all of the hands are hidden. AI is terrible at generating those. Another give away is that the food is basically unrecognizable.
Beyond that... the people appear heavily filtered.
Man I never even looked at the people, I just zoned in on the food. I'm behind on the image gen ai (besides memes). I'm still on that Boids and Polyworld. I refuse to use the llm summarize readers - tho I do have a docker with ollama and a few custom models trying to recreate SmarterChild.
Українська кухня це справжній смак традицій, щедрості та гостинності. Борщ, вареники, деруни, сало кожна страва наповнена любов’ю та теплом. Це не просто їжа, а частина культури, яка вражає своїм розмаїттям і автентичністю! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💙🪖🇺🇸
Interesting object lesson...a dictator in an autocracy is having a VERY difficult time defeating a democracy with an honestly elected president and inspired soldiers. The Russian troops have no incentive to fight for putin.
In some fantasy novels and D&D-like games, there is the common tongue. Everyone knows it. Elves also have Elvish, Dwarves Dwarvish, Humans common.
Thinking if I was entering this pic I’d hope they’d ask if I wanted to try the food. Don’t speak Ukrainian.
Bet they speak common.
English is common.
Over the years I’ve met so many people from so many different nations and they have perfect English with accents.
Remember meeting a German tourist a couple decades ago in Mexico and he mentioned he travels all over Europe and he could talk to anyone in any country, in English. He was 20 AtTheTime
Beyond that... the people appear heavily filtered.
The only difference is they have been through what we are now, multiple times. My guess is they are so much stronger than we are.
That is why there is so much chaos! We have never had a Governmental shift like every other country has. 💔
🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
A beautiful pic. Thanks for sharing. 💙💛
Thinking if I was entering this pic I’d hope they’d ask if I wanted to try the food. Don’t speak Ukrainian.
Bet they speak common.
English is common.
Bizarrely they are not refusing to speak English, which is the language of the country that made sure the war happened...for profits.
Remember meeting a German tourist a couple decades ago in Mexico and he mentioned he travels all over Europe and he could talk to anyone in any country, in English. He was 20 AtTheTime
That said, Germans are really special when it comes to English proficiency.
I was in awe 🫢
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦