We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
Putin is playing for time here just like Trump did in his court cases. That's very funny Putin is pulling a Trump on Trump LOL.We know who's smarter here, is not our guy, we know a compliment or a gift will get you very far.This moron as president of the United States,Trump is clueless & a pretender
The orange faced hamburglar reminds me of a guy you meet in the back rooms at the pool hall,
is there most days,
doesn't have a job,
lies all the time,
an IQ of 73,
doesn't know much about anything other than his life,
no loyalties except to bigger bullies,
says he's tough but isn't.
"The Never Ending Story, what a great story... I mean it never ended! Sort of like my speeches, the never ending story just never ends. You know I loved that story because it never ended, and is never ending. That young underage princess... Wow.. Am I right?"
Even when he reads from a teleprompter it sounds like he has no idea what he is talking about it. And when he just wings it he just goes all over the place, but he always gets that "I am so smart" "I am the greatest" in
Trump giving oral book report on George Washington in front of class…”George Washington was Father of our Country. Father. What a fine word. Not Mother but Father. Yes. He had white hair. Long locks. Yes. “ Teacher stops him.” Donald move on!” . Trump .:” You’re Nasty !”
We’ve been taken hostage by an imbecile, and I hope they’ll soon take a hard look at the enablers like chief of staff etc. Because they sure as fuck don’t have presidential immunity.
Have they ever heard of Nuremberg?
(sorry for the obvious joke)
is there most days,
doesn't have a job,
lies all the time,
an IQ of 73,
doesn't know much about anything other than his life,
no loyalties except to bigger bullies,
says he's tough but isn't.
Just a goon.
⅓ of the country has managed to find the one guy that hasn't — & they made him president🤷🏼
WTF ?!!
Just saying.
Have they ever heard of Nuremberg?
His talking to the Baby voice. plus a lot of other stuff.