The discrepancies are very strange. A huge increase in ballots where only the president is selected… winning all swing states which has not been done in over 40 years… if nothing else an investigation is warranted
Problem is the election was certified. They can likely prove it was done but that won't get rid of Trump. It will only allow possible gaps to be closed.
1. Blue voters were purged in swing states.
2. Trump flipped 100 counties to Red.
3. Kamala flipped 0 counties to Blue.
4. All margins is swing states prevented an automatic manual recount.
Destruction of truth has been his biggest achievement so far! I’m sorry but there is more coming!
1. Blue voters were purged in swing states.
2. Trump flipped 100 counties to Red.
3. Kamala flipped 0 counties to Blue.
4. All margins is swing states prevented an automatic manual recount.
Statistically impossible odds.