Evil oozes out of every pore when she speaks, and it makes her horribly ugly. I wouldn't want to be next to her during press conferences so I wouldn't smell the sulfurous stench.
Barbies are... ugh, but not ugly.
WH needs to stop having press conferences because it’s mostly LIES. They’re definitely not being transparent like they had promised. They think the public is dumb that we will believe anything they say. They are wrong about that because WE QUESTION anything they say or do because we know they LIE.
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Typical gop lying azz with a cross on her neck. Kind of like speaker mike and telling us multiple times what a Christian he is as he guts healthcare and food from Americas poorest. ps and then called for a pray.
You can tell by that thing hanging from the chain around her neck that she doesn’t care about knowing or telling the truth, as long as what she says serves a purpose
I thought they scraped the bottom of the barrel with the last Trump press secretaries. I didn't realize they were going to scrape the slime off the underside of the trash barrel to find the new one.
Trump would die if he wasn’t covered for 24 hours on the MSM he hates
Just absolutely die
Like just drop dead from the shock
Mention him only on independent media-he’ll be forced to watch @meidastouch.com to hear his name
No, it's Bullshirt Barbby.
She or it was never a real Barbie, just a cheap knock off who aspired to be recognized until an Orange pervert picked her up from the discard bin.
Karoline Leavitt isn’t a press secretary
she’s full-time propaganda machine
Her 317 documented lies averaging 18 per press conference & 83% of her statements proven false she’s setting records in deception
White House podium is now just another MAGA disinformation outlet
She's a megaphone for lies
A probable truth is that this administration is spreading fear and panick throughout its own country and for lives of others outside this country and our constitutional freedoms have been liquidated to Russia
As a devoted follower of Jesus, I question whether or not BB understands the true meaning of the symbol she wears around her neck. It's not really a question at all. I just find it terrible that I feel pulled to judgement. 😢
Yes, I tried to explain to a friend who grew up the only girl after 6 boys. For little girls like the one I once was, Barbie could do anyting...be anything. Greta Gerwig got it 100% right.
I'm not saying it's how she got the gig, but she did marry a 60-year-old friend of Trumps about a month before Trump's inauguration. He's old enough to be her grandfather. 🤢
Barbie telling 💩 is what she speaks.
Liars lie.
Insulting others come with group of hatred.
If showing hatred most likely are not capable of governance.
If showing hatred out of fear they protect themselves.
If attacking for mere mention of thing they do then they serve selves well.
Known by acts ✅
When I see that cross around their necks... these completely confused, lying, supposed Christians who don't even know the commandment "thou shalt not lie." That's not Christian, that's a brainwashed sect that makes its own rules.
Some of you may recognize this Blondebot from 1945. She said the same thing that Lil' Caroline will say, in future: I was just following the president's direction...
That ain't a Christian.
Barbies are... ugh, but not ugly.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
If she only would be like, 12 or younger...
crosses hang on her.
That one's probably a sex toy.
w both hands.
Ohhhhh, this is gonna be GOOD. 💀
Every wannabe dictatorship should have one.
They should boycott Trump.
Trump would die if he wasn’t covered for 24 hours on the MSM he hates
Just absolutely die
Like just drop dead from the shock
Mention him only on independent media-he’ll be forced to watch @meidastouch.com to hear his name
She or it was never a real Barbie, just a cheap knock off who aspired to be recognized until an Orange pervert picked her up from the discard bin.
she’s full-time propaganda machine
Her 317 documented lies averaging 18 per press conference & 83% of her statements proven false she’s setting records in deception
White House podium is now just another MAGA disinformation outlet
She's a megaphone for lies
In GOLD!! She learned from the beast (that’s no typo)
The Career section is worth reading.
Silence is complicity
End them
Liars lie.
Insulting others come with group of hatred.
If showing hatred most likely are not capable of governance.
If showing hatred out of fear they protect themselves.
If attacking for mere mention of thing they do then they serve selves well.
Known by acts ✅