And I’m happy to live in the blue one. It’s where I was born & brought up, so it just seems natural to me that a state would want to take care of its people.
It’s what we have government for in the first place.
Blue states consistently offer better quality of life. Red states consistently screw constituents.
Because conservatives rely on dogma rather than science & want to destroy public education, it's easy for conservative "leaders" to pull wool over constituents' eyes & keep them uneducated/uninformed.
Virginia has been a blue state since 2008. Personally, I will help keep it that way.
I have never voted for a party until this year. I have always voted for the person. I felt would do the best for our country. I will never vote for another Republican ever.
It’s time for the blue states to get together and kick the red states out of the country. We have had enough. We tried to help them for years and years and they turn around and stab us in the back.
It’s time for the national divorce.
I can relate. I was a first born girl. It got better for my dad when my brother was born. I was the throw away child. 🤦♀️ And yet I turned out okay. 😁 And my brother became FL man. 🙉🙈🙊 I don’t feel sorry for Trump since he had a choice to take responsibility as an adult. Many did. 🤷♀️
So relatable. One of the last things my dad said to me before he died was that I wasted my life.
He had very specific plans for me such as going into the military and when I went my own way he cut me out of his life for 20 years until he learned he was dying and then family suddenly mattered.
But..."OKLAHOMA" is #1 in popular Broadway musical titles named after states. And they've got a really great basketball team because of the incompetence of the LA Clippers' management. But yeah...test scores very low.
Oklahoma will continue to vote that way just as they will continue to continue to blame their hardships on "woke" and "illegals." The cognitive dissonance is impressive.
MA also made it illegal to declaw cats. My Ragdolls and I are thankful to be in Mass for many reasons. Now if we could just deprogram the rest of the country to stop supporting oligarchs and destroying everything.
Providing evidence of true facts has never moved a republican. It’s like the more wrong they are, the happier. Being contrary is their MO. Giant defiant toddlers who won’t be told what to do.
“Don’t stick your finger in that outlet because xyz, Jimmy!”
And only going to get worse. They are also the poorest.families that can’t give their kids breakfast and depend on school lunches, sorry. So they run to the food bank, oops no federal help we are out of food. Food stamps? Not yet gone, but going. WIC headstart, healthcare,SNAP? Sorry. Your vote
You are exactly right and the sooner we realize this and accept it, the better off we'll be. If you aren't exactly like them, then you don't exist. There is no medium. People should really focus on where they are living if you are in a red state. I don't go out of my way to meet new people anymore.
Proud of my state and it's gov't. I feel a modicum of protection from 🍊💩's worst influences, but even blue states can't eliminate all the danger. Scary times; thanks maga and no backbone dems.
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I live in oklahoma. The most important thing to really see here is that Oklahoma has the lowest voter turnout rate of any state in the country and God help us. Well not really God because I don't want them in my schools or there churches in my life. It's an unfortunate figure of speech.
No. They are gerrymandering, deal with huge levels of Voter Suppression, and, Oklahoma houses three federal prisons whose population of over 2,300, while they are not allowed to vote, DOES contribute to their electoral college numbers.
Yes.. I live in Illinois and forbid my state to pay any money to Oklahoma until they apologize.. and educate themselves and provide healthcare to all residents.. for GODS SAKE!
Gotta love Florida where maga holds a super majority in both state houses and the beloved DeSantis does his best to be trump jr. the last session produced bills to confirm the gulf of America name, force schools to rewrite books reflecting it and lower the age to buy guns to 18. I feel better now.
I'm in Oklahoma. This is what happens when education has been degrading for decades. Their are good people here, our children definitely do not deserve this. I was so hopeful during the election we would get help. I can only hope some people will finally get a clue
4M dickheads and trad wives in OK prioritize having Trump bibles in classrooms. Frankly, the comparison to what 7M MA residents deem sensible isn’t even needed. OK is fucked up. But good for MA.
I just recently found out that a relative from TX will be attending university in OK next year. 😩 The grades were not the best so this explains a lot about why OK was a good choice for them. 🤔 I was told that it’s a good football school; they don’t play football. 🤦♀️🤣
Oklahoma used to be fairly blue, but Fox News, Newsmax, and MAGA turned the people all into red state zombies. The state legislature and governor have had a great time being as corrupt & dysfunctional as possible.
Republicans are so far out of touch with what Americans really need. GOP has always stood behind the wealthy, despite claiming to be the blue-collar party. Redhats just can't seem to grasp that because republicans want to keep them uneducated. GOP gasses them up with their rhetoric, never delivering
Genuinely interested. If the Republicans are so out of touch, why were they voted in so strongly?
I think Trump doesn't live in reality - he lives in Putin's alternative reality (one which hates America). Which makes it even more baffling as to why he got some many "patriot's" votes.
Did anyone ever ask how he won? Supposedly, millions of democratic votes were never counted. trump even thanked Elmo for his 'help' in winning the election. Personally, I believe trump cheated. He tried insurrection. That didn't work, so they stacked the deck over the years and cheated.
I'm playing devil's advocate, due to interest. If he couldn't stack the deck when he was president, how was he able to do it as a private citizen? (not saying he didn't, just interested in the mechanics).
He spread the word to appoint republican legislators on the local level, for one thing. The GOP was very active in local elections, right down to town boards. Even as a private citizen he had absolute control of the GOP...and who says he couldn't stack the deck as POTUS?
It’s what we have government for in the first place.
Because conservatives rely on dogma rather than science & want to destroy public education, it's easy for conservative "leaders" to pull wool over constituents' eyes & keep them uneducated/uninformed.
I am concerned that we do not have separation of church and government.
The head of state is the head of the church, the King. That needs to be undone.
I have never voted for a party until this year. I have always voted for the person. I felt would do the best for our country. I will never vote for another Republican ever.
I wonder what that is….
It’s time for the national divorce.
Donny was always a disappointment.
He had very specific plans for me such as going into the military and when I went my own way he cut me out of his life for 20 years until he learned he was dying and then family suddenly mattered.
“Don’t stick your finger in that outlet because xyz, Jimmy!”
“Suck it, lib!” *bzzzzzzz*
They don't care that the people they vote for only work to help the 1% and harm them, as long as black people are harmed. As long as LGBT are harmed.
Thank you for posting.
Education matters!
Which of these 2 states contributes more to the Treasury than it receives in federal dollars?
It is sad when people who work for DHS, have to get assistance to live because their pay is so low. They do qualify.
But, the congressmen thrive. Some have other businesses, like plumbing, stocks, insurance, but do they help increase wages?
I think Trump doesn't live in reality - he lives in Putin's alternative reality (one which hates America). Which makes it even more baffling as to why he got some many "patriot's" votes.