tRump is an usurper; the constitution does not apply to him. Therefore our military is oath bound to that constitution to round him and the rest of the treason criminals up. They are foreign and domestic traitors and criminals, attacking the constitution and the American people!
If not worse. Both my parents were WW II veterans (Navy) and now my mother’s record of her service has been wiped from the annals of history. 🤬 She even has a video in the Library of Congress that will probably also be scrubbed.
In effect, true. Why we're backing up all we can. The strength of the Internet is in redundancy. Pick a site and download and catalog what you can. Contact Internet Archive to see how you can help their efforts. It's time for #GoodTrouble
One difference: The internet is forever.
This has got to stop!! 🤬🔥😖
But we may realize that once it's too late.
Not stupid, there are many of us remember how things used to be
Not Americans!
Same information.
Same heinous act.