Trump is only a threat because we allow him to be. The press refuses to hold him to account. Same for SCOTUS. The Senate refused to convict him twice. Trump is a self-inflicted danger that America refuses to correct.
tRump is an usurper; the constitution does not apply to him. Therefore our military is oath bound to that constitution to round him and the rest of the treason criminals up. They are foreign and domestic traitors and criminals, attacking the constitution and the American people!
And those Red Hat idiots did it🤬 Hard to believe this is the reality. Always torn between who i dislike and am more disgusted by: the Orange Felon or the Republican congress. Kind of a toss up
Oh please. WaPo,& Bezos literally helped put him there. What once was a bastion of journalistic integrity is now a propaganda rag that's not even fit to wipe your ass with. Pathetic.
Not our president! Just a Russian asset who rigged the election and, since no one objected, has been committing criminal acts in our government ever since. Even LEOs will not interfere, but they will aid his thugs.
May 9, 2023: Jury - LIABLE FOR SEXUAL ABUSE.
He Is Forever-
May 30, 2024: Jury - GUILTY OF 34 FELONIES.
He Is Forever-
JANUARY 10, 2025: Judge Passes Sentence on Felony Convictions.
He Is Forever-
That's why these two fuckers were removed.
You are welcome.
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Broken clock is right twice a day.
We tax payers paid the exorbitant security costs .
I'm not seeing headlines like that on any legacy media pages!
And the moment today is so much more dire!
History will remember you owners/publishers/editors. And your legacy will be completely flawed!