That's interesting, seems Vance's mouth is his own worst enemy as well. If Trump even sniffs a pretender to his throne, he cant fire the VP ( i think) but he can sure be banished.
Heard of the Tucker and the Rubio factions, wonder how many more there are, all scheming separate schemes.
That's interesting to know, maybe Vance will be the first VP in my memory to get the boot. Have a feeling Trump may tire with some of them if they start to hurt his polls or anything.
There's at least the Christian nationalists and the tech bros, with their own agendas, taking advantage of the situation.
There may be crossovers with the Tucker and Rubio factions.
The Gossip i heard on the PBS was Trump was not happy with the mineral deal the Rubio faction had come up with, so he was in a bad mood the day of the Oval Office meeting already.
Vance sure did not help it along either. So wonder if all that was the Tucker faction spiking the Rubio factions plan.
The Express and papers like them have plenty of blood on their hands. They are adept at changing their stance to match the national mood. Still a vile rag.
The same ignorance also emanate from Russia's speeches every time they threaten with ballistic missiles. Britain and France have dozens of ballistic missiles, each with multiple warheads, totaling hundreds. This is the basis of nuclear deterrence. JD Vance seems to be the random vice president here.
The terrible thing is that Commonwealth troops were there because the US triggered the use of NATO. English soldiers gave their lives protecting the USA and _this_ is the level of thanks they get for the ultimate sacrifice.
I don’t see that it matters whether the paper is right or left wing in this instance. Vance is utterly clueless. I’d agree that he’s a clown, but clowns are funny.
It's ok, we know it's not coming from you.
We know what it's like to have self-serving dunderheads running the country and representing us in the world.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
I don’t know who Vanessa is but Meghan Markel’s show is super good.
I’m planning to order Meghan’s cookbook and products from the show.
I love: with love Meghan🏆
I hope the show wins lots of awards.
that doesn't matter it's about selling papers not about actually doing the right thing by the country. It doesn't change the fact that tomorrow will be back to their usual right wing nutry
The UK fought alongside American troops in WW1, WW2, Korea, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, the war on terror and dozens of other clandestine operations we will never know about.
It seems like this moron woke up cold Britain wrath. Do you know, that England is the most successful conqueror in the whole history of mankind? It's better to keep it on your side.
People sent to their slaughter, by Criminal Politicians, who use you, to gain by Colonising other Nations, down your Weapons & stop fighting for the Corrupt.
He hasn't been to Ukraine. He has no knowledge of the UK's history. Him thinking he's smart when he speaks is just part of that delusional alternate reality they're trying hard to create.
I watched Trump's address to Congress.
I counted 77 lies (!).
In the meantime, since Trump took office, the S&P 500 has lost 896 Billion USD in value and there have been zero days without the USA being an international embarrassment.
He's not going to.
The antagonism is all on purpose.
Best thing Europe can do is give the truth when he's wrong, ignore/not rise to his inflammatory remarks and get on with building their own allies/defence.
And BJ Vance has never fought a war either. So what is Vance’s point here. Noe of you ungrateful white terrorists in this country have ever had bombs dropping in you! You never experienced a Blitz until you gave the WH back to that Orange PoS. funny that even you own home countries can’t stand you.
As a note, if we are going back 40 years that means 1985 onwards. Ok the Falklands War (1982) is out. That leaves:
The Gulf War 1991
Bosnia 1992
Kosovo 1998
Sierra Leone Civil War 2000
Afghanistan 2001 onwards
Iraq War 2003 onwards
Libya 2011
I think many British troops would love to meet this guy.
Good. Even the right wing in the UK has had enough of this US trash talk coming from the uneducated people with no class or sophistication who now reside in the WH.
I do Kitty!
To see the amount of bending the knee which is going on in the US... truly disgusting.
And senior democrats are still weak and disorganised.
They're not bringing a knife to a gun fight. They're bringing feather dusters.
Sadly, you are right señor Cristo! The right wing are completely groveling and licking his boots, and the left leaders not much better. We have a few excellent firebrands, AOC, Crockett, Murphy, Raskin…. But We need MORE- and to make a LOT OF “GOOD TROUBLE” and persist!
No one in the Trump/Republican Administration appears to know a damn thing about they're rashly pushing forward to repeat the monstrosities of the past....
Unfortunately, like Drumpf and the people serving in our Congress he will get free healthcare and a nice pension for the rest of their lives. Then get paid big bucks for speaking.
Americans saying “Its so embarrassing” etc. yes its embarrassing but more importantly it makes people hate you. Doesn’t World despise America/Americans enough already without your own Government adding fuel to the fire? Advice to World. Boycott America. Advice to Americans. Pretend you’re Canadian
What special relationship? There never was one, only in the eyes of British politicians. They screw us over whenever they can, and our politicians just let them
The cross dressing idiot who went to private schools+ Yale , Yale Law is so stupid he didn’t know UK soldiers have been by US soldiers in every single military operation since Vietnam. I would say since WWII but, Korea? ..
What a quagmire all of that was. Just to have Trump destabilize 20 years of a clusterfuck. And then to see fancy boys denigrate a president fighting with his country. “Why didn’t you wear a suit?” By a gaggle of men clothed by Men’s Wearhouse. Ties so long their balls rest on it while seated.
Britain even declared war on Japan before the Americans
Thanks for sharing
The court antics are like that for a king emperor, more than a president. Vance comes from the Tucker faction.
He didn't mind throwing Trump under the bus by claiming he'd tried to persuade him to meet Zelensky in private.
Heard of the Tucker and the Rubio factions, wonder how many more there are, all scheming separate schemes.
He was fond of continual hiring and firing in his last term.
There may be crossovers with the Tucker and Rubio factions.
Vance sure did not help it along either. So wonder if all that was the Tucker faction spiking the Rubio factions plan.
In Trump's speech last night he said Rubio would be, "the one to blame", if it all goes wrong, and chuckled.
He is from the right area . . .
We know what it's like to have self-serving dunderheads running the country and representing us in the world.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
I’m planning to order Meghan’s cookbook and products from the show.
I love: with love Meghan🏆
I hope the show wins lots of awards.
Although many of us knew it the first time too.
For those that didn't, if they were still under any doubt after Jan 6, they need help.
I counted 77 lies (!).
In the meantime, since Trump took office, the S&P 500 has lost 896 Billion USD in value and there have been zero days without the USA being an international embarrassment.
Following the '9/11' terrorist attacks in America, Britain deployed to Afghanistan with the US and other allies to destroy al-Qaeda, and the Taliban who had backed them,Taleban%20who%20had%20backed%20them.
The antagonism is all on purpose.
Best thing Europe can do is give the truth when he's wrong, ignore/not rise to his inflammatory remarks and get on with building their own allies/defence.
The Gulf War 1991
Bosnia 1992
Kosovo 1998
Sierra Leone Civil War 2000
Afghanistan 2001 onwards
Iraq War 2003 onwards
Libya 2011
I think many British troops would love to meet this guy.
And even they can see Trump and co are morons.
To see the amount of bending the knee which is going on in the US... truly disgusting.
And senior democrats are still weak and disorganised.
They're not bringing a knife to a gun fight. They're bringing feather dusters.
Also no one attacks the military veterans and gets away with it
Jerry Falwell Jr.'s pool boy?
But the shoe has dropped: the UK is going to suffer, the special relationship is over and the US is becoming a Putin puppet state.
So they have to turn on them.