Episode 1 of our new monthly #StevenUniverse podcast is out for free RIGHT NOW: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/regembering-1-gem-glow-laser-light-cannon--63090890
Episode 2 is out on Patreon RIGHT NOW (ft. pearl.point!): https://www.patreon.com/posts/regembering-2-117060837
Episode 2 is out on Patreon RIGHT NOW (ft. pearl.point!): https://www.patreon.com/posts/regembering-2-117060837
⭐ $3 tier to gain access to monthly episodes of ReGEMbering
⭐ $10 tier to sit muted in the Discord call while we record and type messages that we can read in the podcast
⭐ $40 tier to guest on the podcast once a year (you only need this for one pay period)