It's because paying for sex is a power play; they have a temporary claim of actual ownership over someone which they can only claim otherwise at some degree of social risk, however small
I think the biggest indictment is that these “manliest” of all men don’t have the confidence to date anyone much past their teens. What excites men like Gaetz is the ability to take advantage of women with no real life experience or savvy. As we see time and time again, people like Gaetz have a
Loathing of mature confident women. They will never challenge a Congress woman or lady senator just on their beliefs or statements. They have to denounce them as ugly or as sluts. They are sick people whose philosophy about women is far more akin to a serial killers than a legislator
Paying for a sex worker when all you want is sex is one thing, but the "alpha" males who use money as a status to attract women or purchase mail order brides are just pathetic.
They literally have to pay for women to pretend to like them enough to "F" them. These guys are not the kind of guys that attract most women. They're alpha insecure with zero respect for women.
I remember reading "Belle de Jour" and her saying the reason these rich men were paying (at the time) £300+ an hour for sex was they'd never get any with their charm.
Would most women sleep with them without getting paid? His staff in his first administration complained they couldn't get dates once women found out they worked for him. It isn't going to get better as women are now targets and these people believe they have the right to a woman's body on demand.
True. NPR had a piece about a guy who worked at a right-wing magazine. Dates went well until the fact that he was a Republican came up. One woman skipped out while he was checking on the table. He said politics didn't matter to him. The interviewer said, yeah but no one is stripping your rights.
I knew a couple of fellows who went to Asian countries with the expectation that they would come back with a wife.
One guy came back with his brass severely tarnished. Not a clue.
Sure it'd be a great idea, but these guys aren't known for great ideas. Plus it'd piss off their religious base who are happy to say "sure they have flaws, just like king David"
sure I had army buddies who would do that on deployments but I typically just struck up a conversation with someone I was attracted to and went from there... I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying it's a common theme with these guys and that's weird
Texas is a rape capital. Perhaps the rape capital of the US?
I'm an onlooker from Canada.
I was aghast at the inhumane threats Abbott is putting out.
or used up all their coins in the couch
maybe had #groupon
It’s why nugent, vice president stinky, gaetz and other enjoy young girls.
Or more likely no woman wants to willingly
You Win!
You Win!
You Win!
but not if they have to hire em.😆
One guy came back with his brass severely tarnished. Not a clue.
Betas at best
That would head off so much violence and trafficking.
I'm an onlooker from Canada.
I was aghast at the inhumane threats Abbott is putting out.