so this is my ranking of the Bomb the Music Industry! openers and closers (best to worst):
Campaign for a Better Next Weekend
You Still Believe in Me?
Cold Chillin' Cold Chillin'
Jobs Schmobs
Happy Anterrabae Day!!
Old and Unprofessional
Blow Your Brains Out on Live TV!!
Campaign for a Better Next Weekend
You Still Believe in Me?
Cold Chillin' Cold Chillin'
Jobs Schmobs
Happy Anterrabae Day!!
Old and Unprofessional
Blow Your Brains Out on Live TV!!
Future 86
Felt Just Like Vacation
Sort of Like Being Pumped
Syke! Life Is Awesome!
The Last Party (Foul)
Anywhere I Lay My Head
Stuff That I Like (Cold Chillin' is more of a song than the others ik but i just wanted to include this 😭)
Does Your Face Hurt? No? 'Cause It's Killing Me!!!
Jobs Schmobs
Happy Anterrabae Day!!
King of Minneapolis, Pt. I & II
Get Warmer
Future 86
Felt Just Like Vacation
King of Minneapolis, Pt. III & IV (Lay My Head is a song yes but its also a cover so)
Syke! Life Is Awesome!
its above King of Minneapolis, Pt. III & IV
Stuff That I Like
Vocal Coach
493 Ruth
Does Your Face Hurt? No? 'Cause It's Killing Me!!
Congratulations, John, on Joining Every Time I Die
King of Minneapolis, Pt. I & II
Planning My Death