Yes, two in our circle have been victims in the last week. What happened to them is horrifying and so is knowing that MAGA will either blame them or deny it happened.
It really wasn't commentary, though. It was "it's OK if I use it against the right people." It's disingenuous to say otherwise. Just need to find another way, or you're giving everyone a pass.
Are you really trying to say the commenter is concerned for Patel's safety?
If not, then the comment means, "Hey, Indian guy! You look Hispanic. Better watch out for ICE! Cause you're both brown! Lol" You would be fine with that being said to someone you liked, rather than someone you don't like?
They didn’t instruct ICE to go to businesses and round Hispanics up and jail them which included a US VET. They didn’t put those racially profiled immigrants illegally on a plane that Mexico refused to let land. Democrats followed the laws of the land while deporting. Big difference!
And US citizens speaking *GASP* Spanish. I'm going to spend a lot of time in the sun next summer, work on my Spanish, and see what happens. I dare them...
I was verbally accosted in an airport speaking Farsi to my mother. We were told to go back to Mexico. This is the reality on the ground. Half this country just sees black hair and acts out
The slack jawed yokels who make up ICE and our current gov are the kind of people who would throw anyone in gitmo if they remotely look non-white. That’s the reality so many of us live with. People speak to me in Spanish all the time. ICE would garb me because they’ll think I’m Mexican
Racism is not an appropriate response to racism. But I think the point is that ICE is detaining brown people because they “look” foreign. Examples even include Navajo Nation citizens and other tribes in the United States. Not a stretch to “warn”someone of Indian (Asia) descent.
If not, then the comment means, "Hey, Indian guy! You look Hispanic. Better watch out for ICE! Cause you're both brown! Lol" You would be fine with that being said to someone you liked, rather than someone you don't like?